Making Mountains Out Of Molehills
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Student Life

Making Mountains Out Of Molehills

Minor changes that can have a major impact on dominant aspects of your life such as school, physical health, mental heath and emotional well-being.


"Don't make a mountain out of a molehill" is a phrase my nanny used to preach to me when I was being my melodramatic self for years on end. If you deconstruct the phrase it essentially translates to "Don't make large things out of smaller things", which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In life an array of small changes can truly lead to something larger; whether it be in school, physical health, mental health or emotional well-being, multiple minimal alterations can be game changers. I in no way, shape or form am professionally educated on any of the topics previously stated but do have experiences struggling with them.

Throughout this piece, I am going to share methods in which have assisted me in the overcoming of these obstacles.

1. School

I am currently a student at Syracuse University and midterm season is at its peak. I know I am not alone when I say that I feel I am running out of fuel, it is that time of the year where a week-long nap sounds like the only thing one would need in life.

A technique that I have brought with me to college from high school for staying academically motivated is to periodically remind yourself of your end goal. May it be grad school, that summer internship or on a broader spectrum, your dream job; reminding yourself of where you want to be is a great way to push yourself to "keep on keeping on".

Instilling that small habit into your daily routine can alter your attitude towards schoolwork and incline you to view it as less of a chore, and more of a decision you are choosing to make for your future.

2. Physical and mental health

These two categories are coupled together because they go hand in hand. This may not apply to everyone, but I know that I am at my pinnacle of mental clarity when I am physically my healthiest.

Physical health isn't a goal weight or dress size, it is a lifestyle; eating food that is good for you and staying active are great ways to improve/maintain one's physical health. A combination of nutrient-dense foods and physical activity not only leads to an improvement in one's physical health but also in one's mental health.

Artificial ingredients, chemicals, and preservatives are proven to hinder one's memory and focus. Refined carbohydrates commonly found in sweets and bleached starches cause inflammation in the hippocampus and impair one's memory. Dyes found in artificially colored foods such as Yellow dye numbers 5 and 6, and Red dye number 40 can lead to learning impairment, irritability, and aggressiveness.

That being said, splurging once in a while and treating yourself to these foods occasionally shouldn't be detrimental to your health, but keep those things in mind when choosing what to eat.

Another component of mental health that can be altered by physical activity is your mood. Physical activity is proven to lead to a more positive headspace; due to the endorphins released through exercise, engaging in an active lifestyle can improve one's outlook on life.

For me working out has been a great method to release whatever internal conflicts I am battling at that time; whether it be anxiety or stress, physical activity has assisted me in working through my frustrations. A positive head space and body image are two things that I have struggled with my entire life and I have yet to find better coping mechanisms than a healthy lifestyle.

Keeping in mind that everyone is different and that health, in general, is not a one size fits all situation, these augmentations could possibly not work for you but making small adjustments to your lifestyle that can potentially lead to immense advances in your physical and mental state seems like it would be worth a try.

3. Emotional well-being

I for one struggle with maintaining civil relationships with those who have wronged me or a loved one in the past. Holding grudges and calling people out used to be my extracurricular activities, until I realized that it was hurting me more than the other person.

Constantly carrying around bottled resentment and negative feelings are exhausting and bad for your health. I used to think that having the last word was a display of strength, but it takes real strength to realize that some things just aren't worth it.

As someone who struggles with pent-up emotions, I have turned to documenting how I feel; it isn't something I do every day, but something I practice in moments that I know I need it most. It is as simple as ranting your feelings down in the notes section of your phone, but that is the difference between walking around with emotional baggage clouding your judgement and conducting a more emotionally sound life.

Again, this method may not work for everyone, but it has helped me in my battles with emotional well-being.

These tips are simply a few examples of various ways that ingraining small habits into the fabric of your life can change it for the better. Practicing mindful methods for coping with everyday challenges is a productive way to constantly better yourself and make life a little easier. It is okay to fall off the wagon at times because no one is perfect.

Sometimes life hits you hard with things you've never dreamt you'd have to face, but it is not about the fact that you were knocked down, its whether you picked yourself back up that truly matters. So make mountains out of molehills, make changes and instill habits that can make your life better. For having your education, mental/physical health, and your emotional well-being contained will provide you with the tools to thrive and truly live your best life.

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