Why do you keep making me wait? Damn! I know nothing last forever but this waiting process has become too long and drawn out. I mean, why can’t I have what I want right now? I do not know what I want but that is not the point. Find a factory, build it and give it to me. I am willing to sell my soul for whatever this thing is. That thing that will make me feel better. The thing that everyone but no one speaks of. We all know what I am talking about. You know what I am talking about right? It is so big but also so very small. I am being as descriptive as possible here, work with me. Do not judge my lack creativity to describe this thing I speak about. You should already know. It is similar to going to the ATM and knowing whether you need to take out that cash withdrawal from your checking or savings. It is the same idea or similar. Either you have the cash or you do not. You will either pay that ATM fee or you will not. This theory is very simple so keep reading.
So I want this thing, as stated previously. You know what it is so don't even ask what it is called or where to get it. I figured it out! You are hiding it from me. Why would you do that? After all I have done for you and now you are stealing from me. I was there when the sun rose and set. My plans were ruined that day because you decided that my neighbors flowers needed your fancy natural home grown water but NO! Did you hear me complain?! What the hell is wrong with you because it is not me? I do the best I can when I wake up and before I go to bed. Yet you can not even say thank you. It is so easy for you to be so selfish.
You knew who I was talking about all along, huh. That mean old spiteful woman named Life. We have such a turbulent relationship as you can tell. I give my all to her and still remains so distant from me. All I want from her is to give me what I deserve, which is my happiness. One day I was having a parade, she was mad at me by the way, so she contacted her alter ego Mother Nature (another ole spiteful woman) to take care of business. That small piece of happiness that I ask for will make such a big impact on me. I will no longer have to wait for other things but I will have received the best and only thing I could ever need. You stole my lip gloss, broke my Beats by Dre headphones, and interfered with my life plan. The life plan I have been planning for years; you interfered with it and decided to rewrite it. Baby, I am tired of fighting with you much. I want us to work out in the long run. I love you. So, I guess if I want it to last forever then I should just wait, right?