We all have been there before: saw that pretty girl or handsome guy and thought to ourselves, "It's love at first sight, a forever relationship."
Dreaming of marriage and honeymoons and kids around the corner. Then the fairy tale relationship comes to a halt: arguments break out and passions are diminished, or perhaps the reality of the relationship was merely based off of puppy love. What was once thought to be a one and only relationship turns into another number in the ex box. Tears fell, hearts ached, drama was built over the two sides of the breakup. But, in time, you moved on and found another and started again. So, was it really love? Did you really love them? Could you love someone else like you loved them?
I believe in love at first sight. I also believe that it is possible for you to fall in love multiple times and genuinely mean it. I also believe it is possible to love someone when you say the words "I love you" to someone. The reason I believe so strongly in this is because God has shown us love throughout our whole lives. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believe in him shall not perish but, have everlasting life." That verse describes the love He has for us and continually shows us every day that we are alive. To God, we were His first love. You were created for a purpose. You and I were made only for God. God did not make two of the same person: one to love when the other messes up. He only created one you, and that can't be duplicated or copied. You were His only and He is madly in love with you everyday.
I do believe that it is possible to fall in love multiple times and mean it, because God does it to us daily. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, God still loves us and means it wholeheartedly. God's love for you is no less than His love for me or for anyone. God wants us to love Him and each other. "Treat each other as Christ would have treated us" proves that it is possible to fall in love multiple times and mean it, because we are put on earth to meet multiple people and fall in love with them.
Lastly, I believe it is possible to say the words "I love you" and mean it. God has repeatedly said "I love you" to us whenever we needed it. Even when we - people in sin - do not deserve that kind of love, we are still given it daily. I know I will use this love as an example of what real love looks like to show to my family, friends, and loved ones. But, I also know I could never love them as much as God loves them. I also know that I will never love them as much as I love God. For without God, I would not know real love. No amount of earthly love could ever replace the love of our Heavenly Father and His one relationship with each one of us. I will always love everyone that I meet, but not as much as God loves you and wants you.