This is for the person that I care about the most. The same person that also, unfortunately, isn’t an arm length away when the bad thoughts arise.
This is a shout-out to the person that has answered my 3 a.m. call because even if you're dead asleep, I'm more important to you than beauty rest. This is for the person that I skype when I'm lonely and even when I'm busy. Sometimes I just like to hear you breathe on the other line.
For all the times I've sent long texts ranting about my shitty day and you're always there with a “I’m sorry” or “it’s okay, I love you.” This is for you, the first person I texted when I bought a last-minute plane ticket to America from England. You’ve seen me cry more times than I can count and have never told me to get over it or to suck it up. Your compassion carries me through my dark days and your laughter lifts my spirit.
I can text you anything from poop jokes to weird YouTube links to how I can’t get out of bed because my depression hurts so bad. You text me pictures of Kpop boys (because that’s your newest guilty pleasure) to your mother’s theory on how we’re secretly a lesbian couple to how the future scares the hell out of you.
Through it all, we’ve been together. Even if we can’t physically be present with each other, I know you’re always there. If we go a while without talking, when we reconnect it’s as if no time has passed and the love never went anywhere, because it didn’t. There is a part of my heart that is reserved for you, because the foundation of our friendship isn’t built out of straw, it’s built out of fucking bricks.
When we meet it’s like electricity is coursing through my body. My other half is finally with me. I’m complete. When I wear my Stilinski hoodie (from when we thought Teen Wolf was cool), I know that somewhere in the world you have the same hoodie in your closet and I wonder if you think of me when you look at it. When I think of trains I remember the time you and I sat on a bench outside of the hospital waiting for your Amtrak to arrive and how we talked about life and what it means to be alive for two lost souls struggling with depression.
Boys, school and crazy families. We’ve been through it all and we’ve always accepted each other at the end of the day and never asked the other to change anything about themselves. And why would I want you to change? If speed dials were still the cool thing, you’d be my number one. You’re the Top 8 to my retro MySpace profile.
Thank you for always listening to my insecurities and my ranting, even when I know I’m being ridiculous. Our friendship far exceeds the miles that separate us and I’m always mentally planning when I’ll see you again and all the cool things we’ll do.
This is for you, my best friend.