Looking Back On Philanthropy Events Of 2013 | The Odyssey Online
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Looking Back On Philanthropy Events Of 2013


Time to look back on philanthropy events of 2013 and check out what Greek students look forward to in the New Year!

Some popular events this fall included Zeta Tau Alpha’s Big Man on Campus, Pi Beta Chi’s Powderpuff Tournament and Alpha Kappa Delta Phi’s Charity Ball. Proceeds from each of these events went toward breast cancer research and awareness.

Philanthropy dinners included Chi Omega and Chi Psi’s 4th Annual BBQ Cookout, which benefitted brain injury research. Sigma Sigma Sigma’s Soup for the Soul raised funds for UNC’s Dance Marathon.
The year 2013 also brought new events to the Greek philanthropy calendar, such as Delta Delta Delta’s and Phi Gamma Delta’s first annual Barbeque Cook-Off in the spring, which raised money for the Chapel Hill fire department. Phi Gam and
Pi Kappa Alpha also raised money for the fire department  with their first annual Fire Truck Pull.

“My favorite event was definitely the Chi Omega Dodgeball tournament,” said Chi O Sophomore Nikki Zimmerman. “So many of my best guy friends got so fired up about it and were so excited during the weeks leading up to it. Most of the teams got really competitive which was why it was so rewarding for the winning team.” The Chi O Dodgeball tournament takes place every spring, and Nikki looks forward to the 2014 tournament.

The popularity of philanthropic runs continued throughout 2013. Races this fall included Alpha Delta Pi’s 7th Annual Ron-A-Thon 5K, Phi Mu and Phi Delta Theta’s 6th Annual Eve Carson 5K and Kappa Kappa Gamma’s 15th Annual Tar Heel Trot 5K. ADPi’s run raised money for Chapel Hill’s very own Ronald McDonald House. The Eve Carson 5K continued to honor the legacy of a fellow Tarheel. All benefits from Kappa’s race went towards breast cancer research.

Phi Delta Theta sophomore 
Burns Beaver's favorite event of 2013 was the Eve Carson 5K. “The race is always a huge success, and we are honored and privileged to be able to work with the school for this philanthropy event.” Beaver looks forward to Phi Delt’s ALS Cookout in the spring.

Kappa Delta’s Shamrock n’ Run is coming up in February of 2014. “We put so much effort and time into the Shamrock event. We have been planning and forming committees since October,” said KD sophomore Callie Kennedy. “So when it actually comes around in February, we will be so excited to see the success play out.”

Carolina Greek students look forward to what philanthropy events in 2014 have in store for them.

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