Living gratefully shouldn't have to come once a year; it should be a way to live. Besides all the historical weight that Thanksgiving holds, it gives us an excuse to stop and verbally express the things that we're thankful for in this lifetime.
Why limit our expressions? Why let ourselves get so caught up in our routines that we forget what's important?
It's crucial to not take advantage of the people who love and care for you. People crave love and affection, so it's important to let them know that they are loved and cared for, too.
One thing that I learned to put forth into making my reality more fulfilled and meaningful is to apologize less and say "thank you" more, just to get myself out of the unintentional loop of making myself feel guilty instead of being indebted to the world around me.
Once you realize that the people in your life are there to serve some sort of purpose in your life, good or bad, you will begin to feel an appreciation for them. All the things that we encounter are meant to teach lessons, both core and small.
The places you go and the events you show up to are not coincidences; they're very much present and lively for you. You are meant to feel moved and inspired by these places. So, take them in, detail and all.
It's in our DNA to connect with nature and collaborate with other humans, so take the time out and notice the quirks in people. The way their eyes dilate when they talk about something they are passionate about. The way the blades of grass stroke the soles of your feet on a nice day. The way the world loves you back when you give out love.
Once you find joy in all the tiny things in life, you have created your own Heaven on Earth. Let this holiday be a reminder to not just say your thanks, but to practice living with appreciation for all of the blessings you have.