Let's face it, we have all been in a relationship where we've said "I love you" way to soon. Perhaps we convinced ourselves it was love, but looking back at it now we realize it was not. In fact, the more you think about it the more you regret wasting such precious words. I've been there; but i've promised myself next time i'll actually mean it, after all before love comes like.
There is so much to learn about a significant other. In fact, it is scientifically proven that it takes 2-4 years to completely know a significant other. My boyfriend and I have been dating for eight months and we still tell each other "I like you". Sure it may seem odd, but I am learning to listen, and observe, but most importantly I am learning to be patient to love.
These past eight months I've noticed the little things that I absolutely adore about my boyfriend; like the fact that he is compassionate. Nearly every day he goes out of his way to get my mother a drink from Starbucks; not to mention if she needs help he is there regardless if he just got done working a 8 hour shift. It blows my mind how selfless he is. He knows my family values and he respects them and makes them his values too. My mother goes to Sam's Club for groceries and on weekends when she has no one to go with her he always volunteers to go. I can not ever tell him enough how much I appreciate how he cares for my family.
The thing I like the most about my boyfriend is that we are a team. Never have we disrespected each other, or tare each other down. Yes we argue, but we sit down and figure out a solution. We are simply equals in a relationship. At the end of the day he is my partner. We are on the same team.
I guess what I'm trying to say is by not rushing into love we are actually growing and learning together. I joke around with him now telling him we're just playing a waiting game, eventually one of us will cave and say "I love you".