I am at that age where people ask what I want to do with my life or my college degree and where I want to be 5 years from now. I work in a local restaurant that attracts many travelers and our faithful group of regular customers. Often times, conversations with strangers lead to those basic and inevitable questions older people love to throw at college-aged students. The look of disappointment that flashes on their faces when I tell them that I am unsure of my future is quite shocking and disbelieving. I mean, how many them are where they thought they would be when they were my age? I begrudgingly hold my tongue, smile, and let the look go.
Life at this age is full of endless opportunity. One door may slam shut in your face, but another one will creak open at the same moment. Which is why not knowing your future is okay. Making plans and setting goals are temporary and constantly evolving in this time of our lives, so sometimes, not setting high expectations will lead to more success and happiness. I do not want to be the type of person who gets lost and left behind because I am blinded by the judgment of others who expect answers and plans. I want to be the type of person who sprints at opportunity and jumps off the cliff of uncertainty. I want to live right here and right now.
For many, this lifestyle could be applied to academic and career adventures. Are you going to be the one who moves cross-country for a job offer just because you can? Or are you going to be the one that stays and complains about your town’s job market?
It could be applied to your faith-journey with Christ. Are you going to step up and listen to him when He calls? Or are you going to to stay put because the outcomes and conditions may be questionable?
It can be applied to any aspect of your life big or small. Whatever decisions or choices you have to make just remember one thing: life won’t wait.
I am not telling you to recklessly abandon your responsibilities and take a hiatus, but what I am saying is that sometimes not knowing, not having a long term plan, or not having the answers is perfectly okay. Do not let the fear of failure and the judgment of others shut the door if it creaks open. Ninja-kick the door down and go! Life won’t wait and neither should you.