Seriously, has anyone thought about how life or even planet Earth itself would be if Super Smash Brothers never existed? As a deep rooted competitive Smash player, even I myself wonder what I would do. Although I do a whole surplus of things, Smash Bros. is my most noteworthy thing of doing in the video game world. The amount of people I've met along my Super (no pun intended) Smash Bros. odyssey is astounding; to such an extent that my life as I know it wouldn't be the same without Smash Bros.
Take for account the vast amount of Smash players internationally for a fact. Just think about the effects such mingle sessions have like your friendly Smash club at your college, or a gaming night with guys, or even a weekly tournament. Those things are healthy and unknowingly could be aiding individuals in things such as depression. Being in the scene can be somewhat therapeutic. Especially for someone who is fond of the scene and used to it's thrill. Smash is what I'd like to call a mental game. Not your average fighting game with a health bar and a special gauge. This game requires constant focus. Focus that I feel can be used in any form of action that requires it. Bystanders would be amazed to know about the constant mind game that is taking place before them.
All in all there is no difference between "picking up the sticks" and having a casual best of 3 with your buddy or setting up your chess pieces on your favorite chess board and having a game or two. The sweet stress of being a competitive smasher is definitely a entity of its own. It only makes me wonder what if it never existed? What would become of the lonely gamer who is severely stressed about school or family issues.The grim fact that he or she has no friends nor associates to at least cloak the pain enough that it becomes copable; that outlet of positivity is non-existing. The chain reaction thus cascades. Furthermore it could even affect a person's life who has absolutely no knowledge or care for the game because as you all may know we are still on the same rock as folks who may not know who Mario is.
Every action intertwines with an action of another, creating reactions and so forth. It's simply unfathomable to think of life without Smash Bros. After all, you would have to extract all the time everyone spent playing the game and put it elsewhere. Where exactly would such valuable time go? The world may never know.