This refers to those college years when you have the freedom to spend money on what you want, stay up as long you want, wear what you want, hang out with whomever, or wherever you please, just because you can and not have to worry about your parents' disapproval or society's for that matter. It is time you actually figure out who you are as person and see what you can handle emotionally and physically; make friendships that will last a lifetime.
The reality television lifestyle, where the only responsibility you have to worry about is what bar am I going to, what am I drinking at the pre-game, and will I be attending class tomorrow morning? You get to pretend you are living that "Jersey Shore" or MTV "Real World" life, but it's OK because you are living that "life before graduation" lifestyle.
Living this lifestyle, you are blowing money like you just won the lottery knowing you are more in debt than Kayne West himself. Where if you are struggling financially, you can always depend on mother or father to wire that $100 to $200 to your account because you spent that last $20 on that large cheese pizza from Primos! It's not like with the money that your parents wired you was going to those necessities, but mostly likely will go towards that new outfit or pair of shoes you have been eyeing but have been too broke to buy; but, hey, that's the reality TV lifestyle -- no responsibilities or direct consequences of your spending cause it is life before graduation!
Life before graduation is probably, hands down, one of the most thrilling times in a person's life. I can say for myself that I'll never forget my experience; I can tell you that for sure. But that time will soon come to an end, like most good things do, and let's just say get ready for another thrilling experience in life after graduation -- so stay tuned.