In light of recent events, this country has experienced a substantial dose of hatred. Early in the morning on June 12th, a mass shooting occurred at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida killing 50 people and injuring many more. Some suspected that the shooting was religiously provoked and targeted the LGBTQ community, but then later realized the shooter had connections with ISIS and had pledged his allegiance to ISIS during the shooting.
From a religious standpoint, I'm not even sure why religion was considered during this investigation. ISIS is not the Islamic religion. It stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The Islamic religion is a religion of peace.They do not discriminate as a religion. So why was this relevant to investigators? This got me thinking about my own religion, Christianity, and how the media and investigators would have reacted if the shooter was a Christian.
I have been a Christian all 19 years of my life and I have often heard of accusations that my religion is very judgmental, especially towards the LGBTQ community. I am here to tell you that Christians are taught nothing less than to love everyone, no matter the circumstances. Although Christians believe marriage is solely meant for a man and woman, they also believe in loving everyone despite their sexuality. My pastor has often explained it as not an acceptance of the sexuality, but a tolerance. In other words, Christians do not agree with the LGBT community, but they do believe in loving everyone equally.
Some of my very best friends are gay and I love them like I would love anyone else. They are some of the most amazing, intelligent, and influential people in my life and I love them, like a Christian should. Something too many people in this world fail to realize is that they are people, too. They deserve to be treated with love like everyone else.
The Orlando shooting happened because of the unnecessary abundance of hate in this world, not because of the religion in this world. ISIS is not the Islamic religion. It stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. In this time of trouble and grief, I, as a Christian, am here to tell those who have been affected by this tragedy that among other Christians, I am here to grieve with you, pray for you, and love you, despite the community you are a part of.