Let’s face it, first impressions are always the worst, especially when it comes to interviews. Introversion has always been a quality about myself that I love and despise, but the day I landed my first college internship opportunity I knew that my quiet personality was going to be challenged.
As soon as I received the phone call inquiring about a date and time that I was available to have an on-site interview with the head of the event planning department, I suddenly realized just how much I needed to prepare myself. Being an individual that struggles with small talk, I could feel my anxiety rise immediately as I tried to think of all the possible responses I could give them to their never-ending list of questions about my character.
As the day came to present myself to my potential employers, I was certain that I had done all that I possibly could to prepare myself for this opportunity. As soon as I walked into the event planner’s office to meet the woman in charge, I instantly knew this was where I was supposed to be. Originally scheduled to be a 30-minute interview, the woman and I ended up talking for over an hour and a half. Although the meeting went better than I had expected, the road of preparation was definitely a tedious one that took a few steps for me to finally overcome my introverted nature and to land the interview of my dreams.
1.Reach Out
One of the main tools I took advantage of was using my campus’ Career Services department to talk to a counselor one-on-one about what to expect in the interview. I found that after doing this I was able to visualize the situation I was about to immerse myself in helping me feel more relaxed and prepared. By knowing a little more about what the employer was going to expect from me turned out to be a huge asset as I readied myself for my potential employers. My counselor ran through many questions that they were most likely to ask me as well. By practicing my responses with her, I was able to use her critiques to better my answers and eliminate any possible competitors I had for the position.
2. Dress to Impress
Of course it is recommended that you dress to impress for any interview, but having an outfit that allows you to feel like your most natural self is an outfit with a lot of potential. By switching out a pair of jeans with professional dress pants to match with your favorite dressy shirt is an excellent tool to help you feel relaxed and comfortable. Dressing yourself in clothes you would not normally wear has the tendency to feel uncomfortable and binding.
3. Be Yourself and Stay Calm
Going into an interview can be extremely nerve-wracking, but if the anxiousness shows though, the employer is most likely going to be able to pick up on that. Relaxing and taking a few deep breaths before stepping into the interviewing area is a great way to get your mind set on impressing the employers. By trying to imagine the interviewers as friends you have known for years is a great technique to practice when trying to calm the nerves. Talking to them in a more casual tone will allow them to open up to your personality and connect to you on a personal level. After all, they want to make sure you are someone they can effectively work with while having fun too!