Dear High School Friends,
Those who I am still in contact with and those I have lost touch with. I would like to thank you. You not only stood by me well as adult but you were there for me through all my teenage angst and struggles. You stood by me through all the heartbreaks, and troubles I went through, and I would like to believe that I stood by you during your times of need as well.
I've known most of you since kindergarten. We all started and ended in the same school for 13 years of our lives and there is not a day I am not thankful to have bonded with so many great people during my youth. Many people switch schools at different levels and loose touch with friends that you had hoped never to lose.
To my friends I still have: Thank you for still listening to me when I call you at 2:30 am from college because of something stupid; for coming to see me when I am home, and for keeping contact with me, because I suck at keeping in contact (so it's you doing almost all the work). Thank you for checking in on me, and somehow magically knowing exactly when I need to talk. You are the people I hope to still have contact with when I am married with children and need to run away for a drink when everyone in my house is on my nerves. I am so grateful for you each and everyday. You know me better then anyone else, mainly because you have known me at my worst, my hardest times, and my best. I value our memories and the ones we still have yet to make. We will forever be friends, because for most of you, we have been through hell or high water together and there's no way we are turning back now. You know too much, I know too much. We are keeping each other for life.
To the friends I have lost along the way: You played such key roles in my life for a large portion of it. I basically lived at some of your houses for weeks on end, and I am so grateful to have been accepted by your families with open arms. Thanks you for making each step of the way a little more interesting, being there for me at that point in my life, and giving me great memories to treasure for a life time. Without you I wouldn't have learned nearly as much as I know now about how to make a friendship work, and the give and take that goes into it.
To the ones somewhere in between: I am glad you still catch up with me, shoot me a message, or comment on my Instagram. We played key roles in each other's lives for a small portion of time and I am glad we still hold on to some strings of friendship, and hope we will still check in with each other on milestones in life.
I am so grateful for all of you,