Dear incoming college freshman,
One year ago, I was in your place. I was about to start my college journey. An extreme mixture of emotions overcame me when I thought about the fact that I was leaving soon. I was ready to meet new people but afraid to lose friendships with people from home. I was ready to be done with high school classes but afraid to begin college-level classes. I was ready to have more freedom, but afraid to have so much responsibility.
If you're experiencing a mixture of emotions like I did, don't be scared. College will be the best time of your life. You will grow, find out many things about yourself, and make relationships that will last a lifetime.
Expectation: When you go off to college, whether it be in your hometown or many states away, you will be able to maintain all of your friendships.
Reality: College will help you realize which friends care about maintaining a close friendship from those who don't. In other words, you will realize who your true friends are. Don't go the extra mile for someone who won't take a step for you. With the technology that we have today, though you will be busy doing college things, it is easy to keep up with friends that are far away. On the other hand, don't be afraid that making new friendships in college will replace your friends from home. College is a very important time in your life, and many of the friendships you make there will be with you for a lifetime.
Expectation: You won't miss your family that much.
Reality: Being in charge of yourself will make you realize all that your parents have done for you at home. It is OK to be excited to be off on your own, but don't bite the hand that fed you. Your parents have done so much for you, don't forget to text or call them often. On the other hand, if you are nervous about being away from your parents, it is normal to experience a bit of homesickness (especially the first semester). The best thing to do when this happens is to talk or FaceTime your parents often and schedule many visits for them to come see you or for you to go see them.
Expectation: College classes are going to be so much harder than high school classes.
Reality: In hindsight, yes they are harder, but in a different way. College classes do not have as much "busy work" in the form of written homework as high school classes do, but college professors do expect you to go home and review and study almost every day. They will give you lectures in class, but you will have to teach yourself the rest oftentimes. When you are debating skipping class or not, remember that class is only 50 minutes of your time and if you go it will for sure benefit you in the long run. Lastly, you will live by the syllabus that your professors give you. Keep it and review it often.
Expectation: There is so much freedom in college.
Reality: There is a lot of freedom in college, but you can't let that freedom overtake you. It's OK every now and then to say no to people. You'll find out that missing a party one weekend to catch up on homework or sleep is actually pretty normal in college. Though you should go out and hangout with friends, don't let that aspect of college take away from the main goal.
Good luck on your first college experience!
Sincerely, a freshman year survivor