You're the reason I'm excited to go back to school. Not the classes, not the professors, not the dining hall food, not the walks to class, not the Greek life. But you guys, wow, I'm pumped. I'm most excited to see you, live with you, come home to you, eat with you, love others with you and spend Friday nights with you. I cannot even begin to put into words my excitement. But here you go, I'll try.
You're the reason:
1. Decorating our house to make it a home is exciting.
2. Waking up for 8 a.m. classes will be bearable.
3. Going to the grocery store will be fun.
4. Studying will become a bit easier.
5. Study breaks will be even better (cue the dance parties).
6. Expanding my friend group will be possible.
7. Following your example will make me better.
8. Seeking true community will be a joy.
9. Putting on different clothes will be a little easier.
10. Going back to college will be worth it.
We're almost there and this will be the best year of college yet. There are so many months of joy, late nights, challenges and growth that are ahead of us. And I can't wait.