It feels like August check-in was just yesterday for me, so it's hard to believe that it's nearly time for new members of the Lynchburg College community to arrive on campus. In honor of all the first-years who will be taking the Class of 2019's place, here's a letter to all of the Hornets that will be joining our community this semester. We can't wait to meet you, and I'm sure you'll feel at home at Lynchburg College.
Dear incoming Hornets,
Move-in day is one of the most exciting moments of your college experience. Well, let me rephrase that: it will be a bit stressful with all of the unpacking and the August heat, and you might be glad once it's over. Once it's over, however, you'll be hit in the face with a range of emotions. It'll sink in that this is it, the moment you've probably been preparing for throughout high school.
Let your parents take pictures of you unloading your boxes and smiling with your new roommate in Tate or Mont. Let them take pictures of you in Schewel as you go through the check-in process (like my mother did); even if it seems cheesy now, you'll be thankful for it later.
I'm sure you'll notice a bunch of friendly faces willing to help you move your things or just point you in the right direction. The Hornets who are already on campus are some of the best people you'll meet, so don't be afraid to introduce yourself and ask questions if you have them.
Once move-in day is over and it's time to start classes, everything starts to move along on the fast-forward setting. I know that this is super cliché and everyone is giving you this advice, but please do as much as you can and enjoy being a first-year while it lasts. Go to the activities that Res Life coordinates. Go to BINGO and Finals Blowout; you might just win a TV (like my roommate did).
One of the benefits of Lynchburg College is that it is a tight-knit community. You'll meet people from different backgrounds and people who have pride in their college; you're bound to become close with some of your classmates and hallmates. Along with other students, the faculty and staff at LC are some of the kindest, most interesting people I have met. In my experience, I have found that they genuinely care about your passions and your interests. They are there to help you not only in succeeding academically but in becoming adjusted to college life, too. (And you're probably going to run into one of your professors at Brewed Awakenings at least once.)
I hope you fall in love with being a Hornet like myself and so many others. Get ready to tackle your first year because, like we always say, it's a great day to be a (new) Hornet!