These past years with you have been the best of my life. Not only have I gained lifelong friends, but I've met my future bridesmaids and my one-day bingo buddies. I never thought I was a "typical sorority girl," but you all made me realize there is no "typical anything" in Greek life. That's what makes it so unique. When you go through recruitment, you find a group that meshes best with your personality and they become your second home.
To my Big, thank you for guiding me in the right direction. You have been an excellent role model and an ever better sister. There is no other bond like Big-Little bond, and because of you, I learned how to be the best possible Big for my Little. You not only spoiled me, but you brought certain people into my life that I couldn’t live without. No matter what, I will always be your Little.
To my Little, I thank God every day for putting you in my life. You are the sparkle to my life, and I couldn’t imagine anyone else beside me through the best and worst times. Thanks for the late night talks, formal trips, and endless laughs. These are moments I will always treasure. No matter how old we get and where life takes us, I will always be your Big and you will always be my Little.
To my pledge class, thank you for being you. We came, we saw, and we definitely conquered. My time is this chapter wouldn’t have been the same without you. We went through all our chapter firsts together, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to be by my side.
To my chapter, thank you for being the best thing to ever happen to me. I am the person I am today because every single one of you always had my best interest in mind. From formals, to mixers, to weekly meetings, we are sisters no matter what. The bond we share cannot be measured or explained in 500 words. Instead, we get to watch it expand over time. As we all go our separate ways, time will be the true test. I have no doubts that we will remain sisters for a lifetime.
As I walk across the stage wearing the letters I share with you all, know none of this would have been possible without you. My degree may only be a piece of paper, but my sisters are worth all the all-nighters and cram sessions that make up college. Thank you for giving me the best years of my life. That stole I wear around my neck over my graduation gown is a symbol of the bond that can never be broken. I love you all more than life. I know that no matter what obstacles may come, as a chapter, you will face them gracefully and with class. We live for each other, and I will miss you so.
A graduating sister, now alumna member