With the most patriotic holiday approaching, the 4th of July, we are getting our barbecues ready, lake tote bag filled and white Instagram captions cued up. We are all ready for a whole lot of Patriotic fun in the sun. But as the years have gone on, I myself have noticed this national holiday's spirited meaning fall the way side to #lakeday and #merca innuendos.
In light of recent events (Orlando mass shooting), and the hype of the presidential race of 2016, it is time we use the 4th of July to remind us all of our positions as free Americans. The beautiful things about this holiday is there are no left or right wing extremes, no loose fitting Democrats, or hard-nose Republicans; the only thing we are on this day is Americans.
Lets not be thankful for the Monday off of summer school or work, lets remember and be grateful we have the opportunity of freedom today. The signing of the Constitution in 1776 was a milestone for our country's history and needs to be remembered as such. What the signing of this historic document did for us and is still doing for us is taken for granted every day.
Let's focus on using this freedom to spread positivity. We call our home the "the land of the free and home of the brave." Let's all be brave enough to step out if our comfort zone and open our minds to what can actually make this county great again; unity.
Remember as you lace up your red white and blue chucks, and throw on that screaming American flag tank top, know what we are representing on this day. Take pride in where you come from. Take that special moment of silence serious at the next ball game. Give the beautiful American flag the mental salute it deserves next time you see her blowing in the wind. I ask whomever to find their inner patriot this coming Fourth of July, and pass on the spirit of this long-lasting tradition to your fellow Americans.