You know what kills me? Why are women forced to wear bras?
Did you know that 60, yes I said 60, percent of women experience or have experienced neck, back or shoulder pain from wearing a bra. Yet society and culture punish women for choosing not to wear them! Bras are like little cages for your breasts. It's not good for them! According to the results of a 15-year study in France, bras provide absolutely no benefit and may actually be harmful to breasts over time. By wearing bras, you're depriving your breasts for gravity which weakens the muscle tissue in your breast. So you're probably thinking who cares if they don't have muscle? Actually you might. When bras are worn, the material prevents muscle tissue from growing, which may actually accelerate sagging.
So why do most women wear bras?
Girls are taught to cover up as much as possible because it just isn't "right" or "lady like" not to do so. Breasts are one of the most interesting parts of a female anatomy. They have so many functions are do not include their appearance. For one, they feed and nurture children. The connection between a mother and a child is so beautiful. By wearing bras it could mess up milk ducts.
Social Media Influences
According to social media, breasts are sexiest when they are high, hard and have a pointy look. Well this requires the use of a bra because, without a boob job, breasts are not naturally shaped and positioned to be like this. There are several studies that support "free-boobing". It's healthier, way more comfortable, and frankly more sexy. When you have your breast pushed up to your throat: one, it's obviously with the help of a fancy and expensive bra and two it honestly looks and feel uncomfortable. It looks like you're about to be suffocated.
Save Money!
The average "quality" bra can range anywhere from $40-$70 per bra! Let's do some simple math. The average life span of a bra can last for about maybe a year, two tops. You are not going to wear that bra every day for two years right? So maybe five or six bras are needed each for the price of about $45. So five times 45 equals $225 every year or two for bras. But I'm sure most women have more than five or six bras. Because keep in mind, you can only wear certain bras with certain blouses, right? If you have a white shirt, you cannot wear a black bra because it'll show right through the shirt. So you would need a white bra, but oh no! Your only white bra is in the laundry and you need it for the shirt you're wearing today. Easy solution, purchase another one! So there's an extra $45 spent. So that problem is taken care of. But oh no, another predicament! The shirt you are wearing has spaghetti straps or no straps at all. You cannot possibly wear a regular bra with that cause then your straps will be showing! So you have to spend another $45 for a strapless bra. See where this is going?
Basically what I am saying is let them be free!