2. We all just want someone to talk to and listen | The Odyssey Online
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3 Lessons That Can Be Learned From Both Young Children And Older Adults

Though I've spent much of my service time with both children and the elderly, I've found that despite the large age gap, they're not at all that different.

Older man and child walking on the beach

Since high school, I have tried my best to be an active member of my community, usually accomplished by periods of volunteering. From a local YMCA to a senior care center, I have come to realize that the best experiences from volunteering come by meeting new people and taking the time to get to know them. At that point, it's less volunteering and more catching up and looking forward to new conversations. Though I've spent much of my service time with both children and the elderly, I've found that despite the large age gap, they're not at all that different. Without even knowing, both groups have taught me a little more about what matters and what doesn't, even if it was through different words or actions.

1. Laugh as much as you can, whenever you can

Who doesn't love to laugh? Children, at their cores, are some of the most innocent beings. They question everything and don't take things too seriously. Similarly, older adults know that at this time in their lives, they can spend it one of two ways, either regret the past or smile even at the smallest of things. When it comes to being happy, they know to keep it as their top priority.

2. We all just want someone to talk to and listen

Kids are loaded with energy and though they may not always want to sit still, they still need a way to let it all out. With so much going on in school, with their friends, at home, in the latest book series or television show, they just want someone to rant to, even if the person listening doesn't always know what they are talking about.

On a bit of a sadder note, residents at a senior center don't usually see their families often and only have a couple of people they regularly talk to in the home. Listening to their stories is beneficial to both parties as they get to feel a little less lonely while giving insight on what their life used to be like.

3. Forget about tomorrow, life's biggest worries should be about what's for lunch/snack time

One of the best things about children and the elderly is that they know not to worry about the future. Whatever happens will happen because in their current situation it's more important to be updated about food, the next fun activity, or when they get to nap or rest.

Life is much simpler when there's less to worry about. Not to say that these two age groups don't have their fair share of fears and insecurities, they just somehow have a better way of focusing on what they know will keep them content. For everyone in between, for some reason, it's easier for us to get sucked into the monotony of everyday life and because of this, we end up losing sight of what really matters. Maybe it's time to live like a kid again, or act as if we are already retired, even if it's just for a little while.

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