2. Family parties are bound to be dramatic. | The Odyssey Online
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11 Life Lessons We Learned From 'Gossip Girl' And Our Favorite Upper East Siders

"Hey, Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here."

11 Life Lessons We Learned From 'Gossip Girl' And Our Favorite Upper East Siders
The CW

"Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite."

All it takes is hearing the beginning of the show's intro, and you know the craziest drama you've seen all day is about to go down. From brunches to parties to just watching the characters grow up, it's hard not to get sucked into the drama of the Upper East Side. The characters can get up to some insane antics due to their social statuses, but despite this, there are still some valuable and interesting lessons we can take away from the show.

1. Waffles are the answer to everything.

Happy? Make waffles. Celebrating? Make waffles. Sad? Make waffles.

2. Family parties are bound to be dramatic.

What would a family party be if the moms weren't trading gossip and the kids weren't fighting?

3. Fights happen, but at the end of the day, your best friend is still your best friend.

"We're sisters. You're my family. What is you is me. There's nothing you could ever say that would make me let go."

4. True friends judge you about the silly moments in life, not stuff that's important.

"We're your friends." Everyone deserves a squad like this that they can trust with anything.

5. Never forget your worth or who you are.

"People don't tell you who you are, you tell them."

6. Sometimes you lose sight of who you are, and that's OK.

You might fall a few times, but just remember that in the end how you bounce back is what matters.

7. It's also OK to let down your wall sometimes and have fun.

Whether you're at a fashion shoot, in school, or just relaxing at home, you don't have to keep a tough exterior up 100% of the time.

8. You don't need to be royalty to be a queen.

Blair was always a queen even before she married a prince — the tiara was just an accessory.

9. Impromptu photo shoots with your best friend are iconic.

Just grab a camera, some photo boards from Pinterest and a few of your best friends and watch the magic unfold before you.

10. Sometimes life gets tough, but that doesn't mean you should give up on people.

"As long as we have each other, we're both gonna be OK."

11. Surround yourself with people who want what's best for you.

The relationships and friendships on the show definitely had more ups and downs than one could possibly count, but as Blair said to Serena, "We raised each other." The two women, Chuck, and Nate were always the "non-judging breakfast club" no matter what happened or who was fighting.

Sure, this show is crazy, and the characters do a lot of things we'd never dream of doing, but we can still learn from them. Find your tribe, put on your tiara and show the world what you're made of.

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