14. But sometimes (most of the time) wine is the answer too | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

17 Lessons For 21 Years, Brought To You By Tequila And Other Alcohol I Should Never Drink Again

Like vodka, and Bud Light, and, and, and...

17 Lessons For 21 Years, Brought To You By Tequila And Other Alcohol I Should Never Drink Again
Madison Zegarlowicz

As 21 approaches, I'm both scared for what's to come and incredibly excited for new experiences. Twenty-one is a big deal, but with that comes college graduation, full-blown adulthood, and the big, wide world. Before that can happen, though, we must reflect on high points, mistakes, and just plain "What the f*ck was I thinking?!" moments.

Here are 21 lessons for 21 years, brought to you almost always by too much alcohol.

1. Seriously, if it's after 2 a.m. just go to sleep 


Don't text your ex. Don't assume that one more drink is okay. Just don't.

2. You can't stay up super late and still make it to that 8 a.m.


I promise you, if you're up late, you might as well just scrap the idea of making it and start fresh next time. Take it from the girl who has had to give herself one too many morning pep talks.

3. He's not worth it


He's not worth your tears or your wasted time waiting for him to become the good person you just know he can be.

4. No matter how cute he is


Nope, still not worth it.

5. Know when it's time to walk away


You deserve better.

6. Block his number, don't just delete it


Honey, the temptation will still be there.

7. If you don't block his number, you will want to text him at some point. Don't do it.


No "I miss you," no "come over"... Nothing.

8. Your friends are there for a reason,  so don't second guess their intentions 


If they didn't want to support you, they wouldn't.

9. Some friends aren't forever, and that's OK


College teaches you that more than anything else ever will.

10. You're allowed to let loose every once in awhile 


Yes, seriously.

11. But don't make a habit of it 


You'll regret it later.

12. It's OK to be the "Mom" or the "Grandma" in the friend group 


You can bug your friends to make sure they got home safe, be the DD, cook them dinner, whatever you do. They'll appreciate it, and no, you aren't weird for it.

13. Coffee is always the answer


Sad? Coffee. Happy? Coffee. Stressed? Relaxed? Coffee.

14. But sometimes (most of the time) wine is the answer too 


See moods above, and then add every other emotion. Wine can fix that.

15. Your mom should be your BFF


Because when wine doesn't cut it, Mom's pep talks always do.

16. Mr. Right might not be found at a college frat party


Probably not, actually.

17. You are still growing up, and don't need all of the answers


Not yet, anyway.

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