After coming out of an abusive, disrespectful, flawed ass relationship I can literally smell the slight hint of "fuck boy" that enters the room whenever my friends come to me with advice on their failing relationships. I'm not a nice person, I don't sugar coat ANYTHING and whether you like it or not when you're in my life I hold you to sometimes impossible standards. If you're looking for someone to tell you to stick it out, fight for your man, he's worth it... Please, don't come to me.
I'm in no position to judge after the shit I allowed to go on in my relationship, I was walked all over for three years I'm genuinely surprised I haven't simultaneously turned into a real live door mat! It got to the point where I had nowhere to turn, my relationship was failing and my "friends" we're judging me for it. I was being shunned, talked about and lied on all because of my choice in a mate. Did I care? Hell no. Does it still piss me off to think about it? Definitely. I had very few friends willing to weather the the storm with me, very few people stood by me regardless of how unhappy I was. Those few people will always hold a special place in my heart, they will always be my go to counselors and own personal advice column. That's what real friends do.
I've learned that even when my friends get on my nerves, which is probably 23 hours of EVERYDAY, it's still my job to be a friend. I also learned that good friends MIND THEIR BUSINESS.
There has to be some kind of drug that releases itself when a human being falls in love with a piece of shit, there has to be some form endorphins that makes people genuinely forget what they deserve but instead allows them to settle for the scum at the bottom of the barrel. Love is a touchy subject, regardless of who's having the conversation. One wrong statement about someone's ain't shit significant other can cause a rather large drift in the bond you thought you shared with your dearest friends.
Keep your mouth shut.
It's not your business. If the bullshit she allows doesn't directly destroy anything you've built, keep your mouth shut. Most times the smartest person in the room has the least to say.