Rollers are like specially invented to improve the problem areas of the figure. And skating on them is safer than, for example, step aerobics or even jogging. The choice of rollers now is huge, at the USA skates retailer you can see the whole range.
Don't just stand there!
Riding on rollers - a complete aerobic workout, not worse than bicycling or jogging. Of course, if you do not stand and smoke, but move, constantly working your legs. Then the heart rate is quickly around 135-160 beats per minute - optimal conditions under which excess fat burns.
In this case, skating on roller skates for 30-40 minutes 4-5 times a week develops cardio endurance and tightens not only the hips and buttocks, but also the waist. If you go 1 kilometer in just 4.5 minutes (very slow for skates!), for 1 hour you burn about 400 kcal. This works almost all muscle groups - legs, back, abs, as well as shoulders and arms. This is especially noticeable when the road goes uphill. Riding on rollers uphill is a great way to flatten the entire stomach, even the most problematic lower part of it! And balancing on one leg perfectly works the deep muscles of the body.
During this time the main load is on the front of the thighs and buttocks. One more advantage of rollers is that they involve muscles of the inner and outer surface of the thigh. After all, we now take the leg aside (when pushing away), then pull it up (to slide). It's much more fun than doing the same thing in the gym on a special trainer.
About the sad
That is about those to whom rollers are not available. If you have diseases of the vestibular system, you can not skate on rollers. Such a person badly holds the balance and constantly falls. And after head injuries can not stand on rollers for two months.
People with poor eyesight must have contact lenses, skating speed is high, you need time to navigate, and glasses are easy to break and injure yourself. If you have 1-2 degree flatfoot, you need to put a special insole-supinator in roller skates.
Where to begin?
When you learn how to stand and walk in the correct stance, try to ride a little bit at a time. Stand on one leg, turn the second horse nose slightly outward, and push off with all four wheels. To start, you can stand with one foot and push with the other, then switch legs. The main thing is to learn to glide as long as possible on one leg, this will be that smooth, sweeping, beautiful movement, which you admire the professionals. Remember that when moving forward, the main weight is on the last two wheels of each skate, and when riding backward - on the two front wheels.
After a couple of weeks, all these techniques will seem completely uncomplicated to you. You will be able to fully enjoy roller fitness.