1. Kourtney takes D.C. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Kourtney Kardashian Proved She Was The BEST Kardashian

They're all special in their own way, but Kourtney is a true gem to society.

10 Times Kourtney Kardashian Proved She Was The BEST Kardashian

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Lately, I've been on a binge spree of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and their spin-off shows, "Kourtney and Kim Take Miami," "Kourtney and Khloé Take the Hamptons," "The Life of Kylie," and "Kourtney and Kim Take New York." I really miss the spin-off shows, so E! Network, please bring them back. It was a breath of fresh air not watching the entire family go crazy at once. Many of the spin-offs didn't last very long, some only two seasons (Kylie's spin-off lasted one season). My favorite spin-off is "Kourtney and Kim Take New York" because I love New York and it was fun to see Kourtney coming into her own with her family growing.

When I first watched the Kardashians, I was around eight years old (honestly, I had no business watching them at that age, but I also watched "Jersey Shore" when I was 10.) and at first, Kim was my favorite only because everyone else liked her. I grew up and realized that I need to pick a favorite based on my feelings, so then I started to favor Khloé more, but I don't prefer her anymore.

For the past 4 or 5 years, Kourtney has become my favorite and I resonate with her the most. She's a full-time mom and finds time to work when she can all while balancing her crazy family. Kourtney is a gem to society and needs to be protected at all costs.

1. Kourtney takes D.C. 

Kourtney went to Washington, D.C last fall to advocate for better cosmetic laws. She cares for people who aren't her family and this cause didn't get enough recognition as it should have. The organization she teamed up with is Environmental Working Group and I've even researched a few things to do with them because I'm all for saving the environment and getting healthier products on the shelves and inside consumer's homes.

2. Kourtney takes Bali

She went to Bali with her youngest son, Reign and visited a small village where she met the little girl she's holding in her arms. I love that she's taking her children to these places where kids aren't as fortunate as they are.

3. The fight that could've broken the Kardashians

The family fights a lot, but in the first episode of season 15, Kourtney made it known that she wants to really focus on her kids and herself rather than stay late to do a photo shoot, even if it was the annual Christmas card. Kourtney said that she wanted to be able to pick her kids up from school, eat dinner with them, and then get them in the bed. Period. (This was the episode when Kim said that Kourt is the least interesting and the Internet had a fit!)

4. Kourtney's growing past the childishness

Kourtney often expressed how she's over her family's ways of backstabbing, manipulating, and lying numerous times on the show and it's shown how much she's grown as a person.

5. We been knew, Sis

I mean, duh. There's no explanation for this one. Also, if I'm not mistaken, this was the episode where Khloé had to pick a godmother for her daughter — she ended up choosing Kim instead of Kourtney.

6. No negativity all 2019

This is from an earlier season, but Kourtney still harps on not wanting negative energy in her bubble at all times to this day.

7. Kourtney refuses to suffer from FOMO

Kourtney made sure that she would not be left out of any function, so she just invited herself. When you're Kourtney Kardashian, you can do that.

8. She's a working girl

She's been pegged as "the lazy Kardashian" because she's not always actively doing things in front of a camera, but Kourtney works and she works hard behind the scenes and off camera, which I respect. Don't show the world what you're working on until it's perfect.

9. Don't question why she's here

I've said this so many times to my family members, it's not even funny.

10. Alexa, play "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake

I wish I remembered who she was addressing (either Kris or Kim) and I feel like this on the daily but to myself, because I'm always doing the most.

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