Nearly 11% of American children (6.4 million), ages four through 17, are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
This percentage increases 3% every year. In fact, since 2003, there has been a 37% increase in ADHD diagnoses. Two-thirds of these children will be placed on a powerful stimulant with destructive side effects to treat the disorder. Adderrall, Ritalin and Dexadrine are the commonly prescribed drugs for ADHD management.
The symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, inattentiveness, running, continuous talking and regular fidgeting. These are also, coincidentally, symptoms of being a child.
The side effects of ADHD medications include nervousness, restlessness, excitability, dizziness, headaches, fear, anxiety, tremor, inability to focus, insomnia, dry mouth, depression and many more.
The stimulants provide boosted energy and invigoration very similar to a cocaine high (it's no wonder these drugs are commonly used for recreation). In the US, these drugs are legally available by prescription. The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies these medications as Schedule II drugs, defining them as having a high potential for abuse and leading to psychological and physical dependence. The drugs we are giving our children for ADHD management fall into the same category as methamphetamine, oxycodone and morphine. For this reason, many countries have put restrictions on prescriptions or banned these drugs altogether. For instance, in the UK, physicians prescribe these drugs to children only as a last resort. The long term effects of these stimulants include depression, hostility and paranoia. They are also thought to inhibit growth in children, due to malnutrition brought about by the appetite suppression; not unlike cocaine.
When routinely used, physical and psychological dependency is known to develop. It is common knowledge at this point that the United States has a massive prescription drug issue and the ADHD epidemic is starting it off at a very young age. Why are we, as a nation, so eager to medicate our children?
The way our nation handles this issue completely opposes the way France handles it. The number of children diagnosed and medicated for ADHD in France is less than 0.5%. While the US considers ADHD to be a biological disorder, France handles the issue as relating to the child's social context. The French treat this issue with psychotherapy and group counseling. The US, however, is quick to attribute every behavioral issue to a chemical imbalance curable with a pill.
I strongly believe that we are robbing our children of their childhoods by pushing for efficiency rather than teaching life skills and allowing them to grow their personalities. It is truly baffling how many parents will medicate their six- and seven-year-old children due to "hyperactivity" rather than taking the time to teach their children how to be patient.
When will we give children a chance to grow out of this "hyperactive" stage?
What is it about today's generation of parents that treats childhood as a sickness to be cured? It is time that we as a nation take a step towards solving our prescription drug addiction, by teaching our children instead of drugging them.