Beware Of The Docks
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Beware Of The Docks

Kenny is coming...

Beware Of The Docks

Ding, Ding. Ding. The sound of the metal as it clanged and hit the floor with each seat. The sound of the knives being sharpened. The blades rubbing against each other making the blades sharp and deadly. The cool steel carried the weight of death in their sharpened blades. The knives patiently wait for their next victim.

“Johnny, what are you doing?” The tall man in a fedora and an all-black, three-piece suit. Noticed that his companion was far behind him. Johnny was jumpy and shaking wildly. He was looking at all the boats and ropes that plague the docks. He slowly made his way down the wooden boards following the tall man with a thick accent. Holding a briefcase to his chest, Johnny was hugging the carrying case of fine leather like his life depended on it. His mouth as dry as desert sand. His forehead as wet as the Amazon. Sweating and shaking out of nervousness, Johnny was not feeling well. Nausea was a common fact in Johnny’s life now.

“Tom?” Johnny stuttered over the simple name. Stumbling over a loose board.

“What man? You're going to make us late?” The tall man answered as he looked at his watch.

“W-Why are we at the… at the… at the…” Johnny was unable to finish his sentence.

“The Docks?” Tom offered the word that Johnny was searching for. “I told you, the boss wants to see you. That’s all I know. Now come on!”

“Tom, I’ve heard stories about the docks.”

“Johnny, shut up. Those are just stories. Now come on” He waved Johnny along. But Johnny’s legs turned to stone. “Johnny, if the Boss asked to see you, do you think that’s bad?” Johnny still did not move. “I can tell you this. You DO NOT keep the Boss waiting. Okay? Let’s go!”

Johnny gulped, nothing in his dry mouth, and put on a brave face. After all, he is a man that is feared. Not as feared as the Boss but feared in his part of town. A little further down the mile of wooden boards the two get to the Boss.

A giant comfy chair was in the small shack on the boardwalk. The Boss had a ring on each finger. Big jewels surrounded his fingers with precious metal. A thin black waxed mustache hung over his mouth. Slicked back jet-black hair. He had the face of a weasel. Never looked like he was telling the truth. Thin lips, a small noose and small eyes. A face long scar stemmed from his forehead to his chin. The scar crossed over his left eye. The Boss wore a monocle over his left eye. Petting a white fluffy cotton candy cat. Wearing a little grey suit with a blood red vest, white button-down shirt and blood red tie.

“Johnathan,” The Boss said with a weasel-ish smile. A crack of evil in his smile and devil’s fire blazed in his eyes. Johnny heard the ding, ding, ding or metal.

“You wanted to see me,” Johnny put on a tough front.

“Johnathan, did you bring the document I asked for?” The Boss nodded and one of his goons took Johnny’s brief case. They broke it open with a crowbar and showed the contents to the Boss. He looked in and moved the papers around smiled his devil’s smile, “Perfect.” He waved Johnny away with his hand. The Boss’s goons grabbed Johnny’s arms. Johnny struggled and fought as the lead him to the door.

“What the hell is this?” Johnny screamed at The Boss. Shing, the knife sharpens.

“This is the exit interview, Johnny. You’re not good for business,” the Boss sipped his tiny tea cup.

“Do you mean?” Johnny’s eyes grew wide. He started to punch and kick the goons off of him. Two more descended on him and grabbed his legs. The four held Johnny in the air. The knives feel there next victim.

“Yes Johnny, I am afraid that your worst nightmare has come true.” The boss took another sip.

“So it’s true, the rumors,” Johnny said through fainted breath.

“Yes, they are all true.”

“No, Not Kenny!”

“Yes, Kenny.”


“Throw him to the board, men.” The Boss ordered. As Johnny landed with a thud and banged and pleaded to be let back into the shack. “Release Kenny,” the Boss said and stood up to watch from the window. One of the goons pulled the lever.

“Ahh!” Johnny started to run down the mile of wooden boards. No one ever got very far. As the knives hit the boards in pursuit, ding, ding, ding, as they gain speed. Johnny ran. His legs were not fast enough; he trips over a loose board and falls to the ground. He looks up and sees Kenny. It was everything he feared. Charging as him with incredible speed, Johnny’s last sight was Kenny, the infamous octopus with knives for tentacles. An eight-legged beast lunged with frightening agility showing its knives. Ding. Ding. Ding. The knives poke tiny holes in the board as Kenny walks back to his cage… to wait for the next victim. Ding. Ding. Ding. The sound of the metal as it clanged and hit the floor with each seat. The sound of the knives being sharpened. The blades rubbing against each other making the blades sharp and deadly. The cool steel carried the weight of death in their sharpened blades. The knives patiently wait for their next victim.

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