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If The Kardashian Clan Was On Your Campus, Here's What They'd Be Studying

Which Kardashian are you most similar to based on your major?


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Unless you live under a rock you probably know who the Kardashians are. What you might not know is which Kardashian you are most similar to based on your college major. Because that is information one can just NOT live without, read below to discover which Kardashian/Jenner you are most like.

1. Kim Kardashian: Communications 

Giphy Communication majors spend a lot of time learning how to master social media to help promote a business and gain awareness. This skill has all communications majors looking to the self-proclaimed inventor of the selfie, Kim Kardashian. Communication major’s social media should have viewers feeling envious, just like Kim’s selfie infused Instagram feed. 

2. Kourtney Kardashian: Environmental Studies 


Environmental Studies majors love everything natural, and Kourtney Kardashian is the same way. She is very open about her natural diet and claims to be dairy free. Just like Environmental Studies majors, but classier, her app promotes ways to save the environment. Kourtney's constant need to point out things that are unhealthy for the environment resonates all too well with those who know environmentalists.

3. Khloe Kardashian: Education and Psychology 


Similar to Khloe Kardashian education majors are great with children. It's no secret Khloe has always wanted a child and loves her big family. Education majors relate to her the most when they see her interact with Kourtney's kids and now her own. Psychology majors also resonate with Khloe because of her ability to be the voice of reason among feuding family members. Khloe always seems to be analyzing the people in her life, and psychology majors can totally relate.

4. Rob Kardashian: Entrepreneurship 


All Entrepreneurship majors have great ideas that people forget about, sort of like Rob Kardashian. Just like Rob learned from his sock line, entrepreneurship majors know that starting a business can be difficult. Many viewers see Rob being reluctant and lazy to work hard on his business. Entrepreneurship majors can definitely relate to this feeling while taking note and seeing how not to act. Because Rob is more of an outsider with the family, his wealth is not as large which is also relatable because new businesses require a lot of start-up funds.

5. Kris Jenner: Marketing


The matriarch of the Kardashian empire is Kris Jenner. All Marketing majors should aspire to be as successful as her in branding and promoting. Marketing majors relate to Kris because of her constant busy schedule. Without Kris's hard work of marketing the family, Kardashian would not be a household name. Marketing majors share the same goals as Kris when it comes to what they will do for a company.

6. Kendall Jenner: English


The quieter of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, Kendall, is very similar to most English majors. Kendall's demeanor reflects English majors, who might be quiet in class, but once you read their writing you realize the complexities of their minds. When Kendall does speak up she seems to choose her words carefully, and English majors understand the importance of words just like her.

Kylie Jenner: Chemistry 


Although Kylie Jenner herself isn't the chemist who formulates her makeup, she is most similar to a chemistry major. Chemistry majors understand the make-up of cosmetics, and Kylie specializes in cosmetics. Chemistry majors are obviously super smart, and while Kylie's intelligence is sometimes doubted, her success resonates with all chemistry majors who have high goals for themselves.

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