Jonathan Edwards: The Ruthless Manipulator
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Jonathan Edwards: The Ruthless Manipulator

Manipulation can be used by any and everyone.

Jonathan Edwards: The Ruthless Manipulator

Have you encountered the corrupt side of Christianity,the manipulative side?

If you were under control, do you imagine yourself knowing so?

Back in the 1700’s, Jonathan Edwards reigned as one of the most renowned preachers who practiced the use of psychological manipulation to convert natural men into children of God. It may seem unbelievable compared to the strategies preachers use to draw sinners into their congregation today, but it indeed once occurred in history. The superiority he conveyed through his writings and intellect, intimidated challengers from opposing him which is how he was able to sustain his image. He is most known for his famous sermons.

His specific intent was to convert sinners into born-again Christians, and he successfully did so by shaming them about the way they lived life as well as slyly interjecting fear into their subconsciousness in order to remold their perspective of reality. Both were expressed at such an intensive level, that not only did it ensure a metamorphosis of the sinner, but it also ensured their Christian values to continue for generations to come.

Jonathan Edward’s sermon shamed sinners to the point that the only way to redeem themselves would be to become a Christian in order to make up for the embarrassment they caused their families. Beginning in his writings, Edwards presumed his role as God’s messenger. Automatically, sinners distinguished the difference between themselves (unclean) and Edwards (pure) who they perceived as a herald of God.

This provided a leeway for Edwards to brutally convict and shame the sinners without worry of an unbeliever to dispute his sermon of condemnation. He used this power through the text to scold the sinners about the way they were living life without God in it.

The effect of learning such a sudden truth conjured their emotions of contrition, guilt-baiting them to not only regret the behavior that will lead them to a soon death by God’s hand but also forced them to accept the idea that what they did influence God’s happiness or exasperation. “You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince, and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment”.

Instantaneously, at that moment after hearing these words, the sinner travels on a mental road trip recalling every instance they have done something wrong in the eyes of God. Their mentality of being untouchable begins to unravel and they start to feel the effects of humility for ever thinking such a thing. Edwards explains Sinners are selfish and only adhere to their own sins.

They neglected God and they not only feel ashamed but also disappointed because they performed these sinful acts with a conscious mind. None of the blame for what they’ve done could be displaced on something or someone else. Coming to terms with the truth and knowing God kept them alive regardless of their disobedience was enough to change sinners into newborn Christians.

Edward’s sermon also contained underlying threats declared to natural men which manipulated them to conform to his will by the sermons use of interjecting fear into their subconsciousness. Edward’s sermon became a harbinger that forewarned the soon approach of their creator whose intent was to snatch away the souls of the corrupt and throw them into the fiery pit of hell.

“He is not only able to cast wicked Men into Hell, but he can most easily do it”. Reading between the lines, Edwards was telling the Sinners to conform or be a number in God’s slaughter. It terrified sinners to know how much power God possessed and at any given time, was willing to use those powers against the sinners. And Jonathan Edwards made it very clear, the only reason God felt as though he had to kill all natural men was that they weren't born again or practicing Christians.

The sinners knew the only way to break their destined fate with Death and Hell was to become a Christian. He used this threat to blackmail any who wasn’t right with God. The blackmail being that God holds their life force in his hands. To be given back their life that he could very soon take.

A sinner would need to give God their faith and sacrifice all their sins for him. But if not, accept a pointless demise and prepare for an eternity of damnation. The fear of death is an incredible motivator and its psychological effects persuaded sinners to turn over their lives to God.

On the contrary, some inquire if Jonathan Edwards truly convinced natural men to abandon their evil natures. Sinners are addicted to the impure habits of life, and it’s why doubters excluded his sermon from ever breaking such a bond between man and their sins. Edwards proved their statements as false and did so by his accomplishment of converting sinners through the impression of urgency placed throughout his sermon.

“The Wrath of God burns against them, their damnation doesn’t slumber, the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is not hot, ready to receive them, the flames do now rage glow.” The urgency in the text applied strain on the sinner’s thinking capabilities. They would have to think quickly, but tactfully, so they wouldn’t make a foolish decision.

The tension broke them into a state of vulnerability and panic, making their conversion effortless. The sinners had little time to make a decision as Jonathan Edwards described Hell gaping wide open for them, now. The sinners took from this their existence would soon be no more and they were left in shambles trying to save themselves from a destined fate with Hell.

Ultimately, Jonathan Edwards was a talented deceiver. He chose the Sinners to psychologically manipulate because he was able to attack their borders without question. Society doesn’t stand for individuals who choose transgression over Christian morals.

He took advantage of this opportunity and used his theology to shame sinners into obedience. Through this and the prominent threats he made to mentally reconstruct their perspective, Edwards was able to successfully birth a nation of desperate men desiring to be saved.

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