In college, you are going to have to make choices. Who you are gonna be, how you are gonna spend your time, what activities you will pursue, etc. As a freshman, I struggled finding my place on campus because I was torn between so many cool organizations and activities on campus. You will have to make some decisions on what's important you. I can't guarantee that you will always make the right choices at first, it took me two and half years to really find my place on campus. However, I am now happier than I have ever been doing what I do. That's why I'm writing this article because I think I can convince you to join my organization, the Regal Rowdies.
Excerpt from our VOLink page bio:
The Regal Rowdies, established in 2014 by Matthew Proffitt and Ethan Perry, are the official organization of Volunteer Soccer. In the Spring of 2013, Matthew and a few friends attended the same Calculus I class with former Volunteer striker Amy Neal. What started out as a joke among friends about coming to Amy's game as her personal cheer section, turned out to be one of the largest student led organizations on campus. With over 250 members and counting, the Regal Rowdies are looking to spread the love for Volunteer Soccer across campus and the Knoxville community.
We promote a fun, intense environment at home soccer games in Regal Soccer Stadium. Our duties include: 1) leading the home crowd in cheers with our drum (Big Bertha), 2) distracting the opposing team with hilarious antics and chants, and 3) demonstrating the key values of sportmanship...sometimes. Additionally, we help promote the home games across campus to the general student population and recycle trash from the stands after games.
Like I said before, I can't guarantee you'll make the right decisions on what you want to be involved in on campus your freshman year.
I can, however guarantee with the Regal Rowdies you will 1) have fun 2) make friends 3) become part of the Tennessee family. There's something special knowing that you are dedicated fan to one of the hardest working athletics teams at the University of Tennessee. Embrace the fact that you gotta practice "Rocky Top" before you go to football games so you don't forget the words: we can help you with that! Embrace the fact that you can yell all you want at a basketball game but the refs won't be able to hear you: I promise they will hear you at a Regal Stadium soccer match. Embrace the fact that cheering on the Tennessee Soccer team is unique to any other sport at Tennessee: the Regal Rowdies will really blow you away if you give us a chance.
Over the course of two years, I have heard the same question over and over.
Matt, why do you do it? Why do you put in all that effort advertising and inviting people to matches? Can't you just go to the games and cheer them on yourself?
No, I want my closest friends to be there. I want to make memories that will last a lifetime and you can't do it without your closest friends. Some of my best memories from school have been behind a soccer goal on Friday night (that's as specific as I can be because the content is unmentionable). More importantly, I do it for the team- players, coaches, & staff. They deserve a huge crowd every time lights come on at Regal, they deserve the social media hype before a big match and even the social media disappointment after a big loss. As they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day".
That's why I do it, I hope that I am building a foundation that will last for decades. It's really going toe hard to let it go but when I do I hope it goes on forever. I gotta have you to do that. That's truly the last convincing argument. The Regal Rowdies are Tennessee Tradition. "This Spirit is A Part of Us" is our motto, it means that we are one with the team, the chants, and atmosphere at Regal Soccer Stadium.
Come hangout, bring a friend, make plans to chill at a tailgate with us, wear orange, yell loud when we chant, high five goals and sing the alma mater loud proud even after defeat. That's the Regal Rowdies, that's Tennessee, that's us.
Twitter: @RegalRowdies
Facebook: Go Vols!
Instagram: @regalrowdies