I've always hated 8 a.m. classes with a passion.
And as a college student, that pretty much goes without saying. There's something about those 8 a.m. instructors who force us to stay awake that just grates on our nerves.
I'm a firm believer that being conscious anytime before 7:30 is simply unacceptable. However, my cynical (realistic) view of mornings changed pretty quickly.
As I walked to class on a rainy Tuesday morning, I glanced at my phone and rolled my eyes. 7:58. Two minutes to hike all the way to American History. Ugh. Typical. Happy Tuesday. But then...I caught movement in the corner of my eye, and my own woes paled.
I had heard a bizarre rhythmic clattering sound, so naturally, I turned to see what abnormal action was taking place. There, I saw a fellow student from my dreaded 8 a.m....hobbling on crutches (thus, the weird sound), determinedly lunging forward with each step to make it to that American History lecture. She caught my eye, and collapsed onto the crutches, breathing heavily. I proceeded to make small talk: "ohmyword, what happened??", and walk ahead to get the door for my very dedicated peer. After this encounter, I realized something. My perspective had changed. My day was looking brighter. My 8 a.m. suddenly seemed doable--all because this girl had exemplified the dedication and perseverance required for 8 a.m.s--and required for life.
So here's 6 Reasons to take that 8 a.m:
1. You have to wake up early!
I know what you're thinking, "Umm, that's a good thing??" But seriously it is. In the real world, most people work an 8-5 workday. The excuse of "oversleeping" isn't going to fly anymore.
2. Since you're up earlier, you have to set a good schedule--or suffer the *severe* consequences.
Obvs. going to bed at 3 and getting up at 6 is not going to work well for you.
3. You finish sooner!
Okay, 8 a.m.s may feel insufferable, but nothing, nothing is worst than those afternoon or night classes that. Drag. On. Forever. And, let's face it, once you're done with your morning classes, you can hit up Starbucks, head home and do whatever your heart desires.
4. You learn to make your education a priority!
No matter what it takes. Just like the injured girl in my history class, you learn that true dedication takes effort. Stay in bed or get up to show up? These decisions will frame who you choose to be every day.
5. You get a good parking space!
Yes, just yes.
6. Your perspective changes.
Even though it took a pretty drastic encounter for my perspective to change, hopefully, this article will be the catalyst for your point of view. Life is more than the 8 a.m.s or the 5 p.m.s or the whatchamacallit o'clocks or whatever hurdle you currently face. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well--I truly believe this. A college career is definitely worth doing, so let's do it well, let's do our best.