No, I do not in fact wear makeup to impress any guy or to show-off to other girls. In fact, I don’t wear it for anyone else at all. I wear it for three people: me, myself, and I.
Growing up, girls are pressed with the idea that wearing makeup makes you prettier or more mature. This is some real B.S. you know that? In the beginning, that might’ve been the case. I started wearing makeup in 7th grade probably to feel older, cool, and more like my older sister, but the more I wore it though, the more I enjoyed it. This is when it became fun and I sat and practiced in my room to master the perfect cat eye. It became more of an enjoyable hobby and less of an obligation.
Some girls hardly ever go out in public without makeup on and ya know, I’m happy to say that I am one of them. Yes I feel that wearing makeup makes me more presentable so to speak, but it’s not because of others. I wear makeup to increase my own self-confidence; it makes me feel fierce and ready to take on the world.
First off, doing makeup is fun. Being able to experiment with glittery eye shadows and wearing vibrant lipsticks and create combinations is something that some girls truly find enjoyable. Look at it this way, thousands of beauty bloggers and cosmetologists or makeup artists already do this for a living just on other people and I happen to do it on myself, for free. Getting all dolled up and ready for whatever life throws at me is one of the small parts of my day that allow me to have a few minutes of quality alone time where I can focus on myself and what makes me feel good.
Wearing makeup is an expression of oneself. Some girls go for the classic red lip and cat eye look, while others opt for the striking purple and blue lips and wear a rainbow of eye shadow. This is place that we are guaranteed a choice in our lives. We as girls have the choice to wear makeup, to not wear makeup, to choose crazy colors or go more traditional and all of those options are absolutely perfect, for the individual that chooses them. This can vary day-to-day based on however we are feeling at that time. That is why wearing makeup is so awesome because its not permanent—I can change my look every day if I wanted to. What I choose to put on my face is an expression of how I view myself, of how I want to portray myself and ultimately we (usually) elect on the looks that make us feel our very best.
In high school, I would do my makeup before every sporting event. “Why put on makeup when you are wearing a catchers helmet/sweating/playing a game?” Because it allows me to feel put together and ready to compete at my top performance. I am a firm believer that if you look good, you feel good, and then you play good (or well, if we are going to get technical about the grammar here). I probably sweated off 98.7% of my makeup along the way, but wearing it gave me the confidence to go out and be at my prime. I was able to perform well knowing that I felt good about my appearance. If I hadn’t I know that I would have constantly worried and felt self-conscious, in turn distracting me from my other responsibilities.
At the end of the day YES makeup does make me feel more attractive, but it is not with purpose of dazzling a guy or making any kind of point to anyone. It is to make me feel my best and it allows me to be my best.