Reality shows are supposed to be reality, as well as entertaining. With this being said, you'd expect to see that on every station. But there are some shows that don't mind the disrespect and ignorance that comes out of the stars' mouth.
Last week, I wrote about Raven Symone and Stacey Dash and their inability to be role models with the things that they said. This week, the article goes to Donna of "Black Ink Crew."
There is a video going around that is slightly disturbing. It is a clip of an upcoming episode where Donna is arguing with Alexis. Alexis is another person's girlfriend on the show. Alexis is deaf and uses sign language to communicate. In the scene that is shown, Alexis is upset because she asked her boyfriend not to be around Donna. The two began arguing and in the side commentary Donna says, "I never had a deaf girl yelling at me. Use your inside hands, not your outside hands."
While many people may think that this is funny, it really isn't. From my point of view, she is making fun of someone that uses her hands as communication. That is like telling someone that uses a wheelchair, just get up and walk. It is rude and uncalled for. If I were the producers of the show, whether she said it directly to Alexis or not, I would demand that she gave her an apology.
People do not realize the words that they say, and the impact that they have when angry. I don't know how the deaf community feels about her particular statement, but if I was a part of this community, I would be deeply offended.
It is very hard to fight for equality for everyone when you have people like Donna that do not respect others. In previous episodes, you can see Donna trying to win respect as a tattoo artist. Dutchess nor Caesar would give her that much of a chance. While I thought they were wrong, I now see that the decision they made was a good one.
I would want no one that vulgar and ignorant to be a part of my team, or anything that I do. The type of people that you hang out with says a lot about self. While Donna may have thought that her comment was funny and deserving, she is wrong and this is where ignorance comes into play. The very things that you think are funny are the very things that hurt people every day.
Why does it matter whether she was deaf or not? Is she less than an individual because she speaks with her hands? I'm pretty sure Donna has people yelling at her all the time. We just saw Dutchess yelling and screaming at Donna for a "lie" she told. Why didn't Donna say I never had a girl with long dreads and tattoos yelling at me? This is a very specific picture of ignorance that will always be a part of why different communities will never have the proper acceptance and equality that they deserve.
Watch the video: