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Student Life

11 Things Your Mom Taught You About Adulting You'd Be Lost Without

Her advice really does make this whole adulting thing a whole lot easier.

11 Things Your Mom Taught You About Adulting You'd Be Lost Without
Kelsey Thomas

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As a 20-year-old, I'm in that super awkward life stage where I have no idea if I'm an adult or still a teen. Everyone you know is either married, has kids or is just like you. As weird and uncomfy it is to accept the fact that you're a young adult, there's one thing that seems to get us all through it: our mothers. Without our mom's advice, we would be lost and let's face it, she talks major sense into you when you aren't seeing clearly.

With that being said, here are 11 things that your mom has taught you when it comes to adulting.

Turn on the vent fan whenever you use the stove.

When you're making pasta, veggies, literally anything... turn on the fan, at least if it's me. I somehow manage to set off the fire alarm every time I cook.

Put 10% of whatever you make into your savings.

... if this isn't the realest thing I've ever heard. When you're in college, money is tight and it's extremely difficult to budget all of your priorities and still set aside money for things you actually want to spend on. If you put 10% of every paycheck into your savings, it's a for sure way to hold onto a little bit of extra cash.

Close your shower curtain when you get out of the shower.

This was one of my worst habits growing up. I would constantly leave the shower curtain open and wondered why my mom always got so sassy when I left it open. Well, ya better close it, people. If you leave it open while you're in college, you don't have your mom there to tell you to close it, and you're definitely going to wish you did when you walk into your bathroom and see the curtain covered in mold.

Electric bills are expensive. 

Man, do I feel guilty for using up so much unnecessary electricity when I was younger. Now that I'm living on my own, I understand why my mom always wanted me to turn off the lights I wasn't using and wait to start the dishwasher until it was full.

Coupons are your friend.

Again, college is expensive. The key to getting through it is finding some coupons to get you some major cash-saving deals. I'm not saying you have to learn the art of coupon-clipping but I am saying that googling some while you wait in line at checkout usually results in some money off when you actually pay.

There's healthy ways to cope with stress.

Everybody deals with stress and nobody understands it better than my mom. She lets me know ways that I can occupy myself and unwind.

Everything you cook is something you got from her.

I mean this literally. I call my mom when I don't know what to cook for dinner. She explains recipes to me over and over again, mostly because I never write them down. It can be something simple or difficult, whichever ones they are, they all come from her.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Whenever somebody wrongs me and I vent to my mom about it, she makes it clear to me that hurting them back is never the answer. She reminds me that what goes around comes around. Karma is real, and it does nobody any good to stoop to your level.

There is an actual technique when it comes to packing.

Oh, you have a lot to pack? Are you nervous it won't fit? Don't fold it, roll it. Trust me, it's a game changer.

Procrastinating will do more harm than good.

I am always swamped with work and my mom always encourages me to get it done. Whenever I test that theory, I realize that she's right because any time I procrastinate, my work is never at it's best.

You will always have a best friend waiting for your call.

No matter what, your mother is always there for you. She's waiting at home for you to call, so make sure you do it. I can talk to my mom on the phone for hours and it's so comforting to know I have a mom who misses me dearly and can't wait to hear about everything I'm doing and everything that is going on.

As we go through college, we can't forget the advice that our mom has given us growing up. I can guarantee that she is always right and you're going think of her once little things that these tips come in handy happen. Don't forget all the things she has told you because trust me, you're going to need it.

My mom is my biggest supporter and role model and I can't thank her enough for all these done for me all these years.

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