I have faith that love will find me one day. In today's world, love is found through sites like Tinder and Farmers Only (yes, I had to include that one) or so they say. Recently, I watched an episode of "Jane the Virgin," and Jane mentioned that she wanted to "#meetcute." What she meant by this is, she wants to meet someone like people do in rom-coms, naturally and spontaneously. I feel the same way.
I guess you could say I'm a bit of an old soul, and part of being one is that I've always believed in the "old-fashioned" way of dating. I hate that everything about today's society has become virtual. We live in a world where everyone's worried about how many likes they'll get on Instagram or how many friends they have on Facebook. Something about being worried about such things just doesn't sit well with me.
For that reason alone, you'd probably call me a hopeless romantic. Sure, I believe in true love. I just don't think I'll find it through the internet, and that's OK. In the past, I've met guys that way, and I definitely made sure we had mutual friends. However, each time, it's gone haywire. So, online dating just isn't for me.
Don't get me wrong.. Some of my best friends have met their significant others through online dating, so I know finding love that way can happen. It's just not going to happen for me, and I've accepted that. Like I said before, I have faith that love will find me one day. Not only that, but I have faith that love will find me in real life and not online. I know it'll be natural and spontaneous and beautiful all at the same time.
So, please the next time you find out I'm single or how long I've been single don't tell me to create a profile on Tinder or anything similar to that. I'm not interested. I've had one before, and it didn't work out in the least. Let me be. I really do enjoy being single. I lead a life that's truly my own, and independence is wonderful. I'm not unhappy, and I'm not lonely. I may be unhappy and lonely sometimes, but it's not because I don't have a boyfriend.
Let me find love in my own way and my own timing. I faith that God has a man for me out there somewhere, but right now I'm waiting patiently. Yes, I'm waiting. However, I'm not going to let the fact that I don't have someone get in the way of me truly living my life. I love the way my life is going right now. I feel like I'm finally seeing myself the way God wants me to see myself. Whenever it's the right time, love will find me. But for now, I'm going to live my own adventure and let God write my story.