First off, I would like to start off by stating (or bragging) that I have mastered the art of crastination. I even put off writing this article since last week!
Whenever I tried to do my work beforehand, my mindset went from:
... to...
... in approximately 13 minutes, might I add.
So recently, I decided I would never try and get an early start on anything anymore. That way, I feel better about myself since I choose to live this lifestyle. It's not that I am incapable of doing work diligently, like most other students, I just choose not to! Let me paint you a picture of how my nights now look before assignments are due.
Hypothetically, let's say this is a Sunday. Here's a countdown.
T-24 hours
Obviously, in bed watching Netflix.
T-20 hours
Obviously, eating my life away.
T-16 hours
Obviously, in bed watching Netflix, eating my life away.
T-12 hours
Now, here's when the work comes in. Finally, a little whiff of inspiration.
T-11 hours
JK, that was cookies.
T-10 hours
Still recovering from that food coma.
T-9 hours
Realizing I underestimated the amount of work I have to do.
T-8 hours
Hyperventilating the pain and stress away.
T-7 hours
T-6 hours
But before I do, this is me saying goodnight to all my friends -- all my responsible and capable friends.
T-5 hours
Banging it out.
T-4 hours
Finally finished! Then realizing I have something else due -- my life's a joke.
T-1 hour
"Never again."
Next Sunday...
T-24 hours
Igniting change, one step at a time -- RKIM.