This hunger should come from deep inside you, resonating in your bones. Driving you to get more, accomplishing more is what this hunger is meant to do. If you are full, content with yourself, then you will never move. Constantly changing — not necessarily progressing — is the world around us, and if we are full we will just “go with the flow.” Find that energy inside of you to push yourself forward; continue to look for more “food.” Your appetite should never be satisfied because, while you try your best, you are never actually at your best. Your best can always be better so why would settle for anything less? Expect more from yourself than you expect from anyone else because if there is anything that life can teach you it is that you get more resistance from others than you do for yourself.
You should grow to enjoy feeling unsatisfied in your place in life, but also enjoying it and being proud. However, enjoy being unsatisfied so you can constantly improve yourself positively rather than regressing from folding underneath the pressure and stress. A person cannot grow if they do not move throughout the world and throughout themselves, internally. In order to grow, you also have to continue to learn yourself; you are always changing the world, adapting to the society around you so you must learn to be aware of these internal changes. The hunger should not only be applied to your place in the world but also to your place inside your mind. Sometimes your subconscious thoughts can push out your conscious ones, taking over your perceptions. Fight this filler because what your mind needs is to be reinforced by your legitimate reality.
Always remain hungry so you can search for better food. Find within yourself the motivation to improve. It should an internal drive which forces you to move on to better places in life and within your mind. Never remain full for too long because you may just be settling, but even the best can get better so why can’t you?