I'm An 18-Year-Old Female And I Will Always Be A Feminist: A Response
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I'm An 18-Year-Old Female And I Will Always Be A Feminist: A Response

Modern feminism is fundamentally the same as it's always been: a movement for equal rights across all genders.

I'm An 18-Year-Old Female And I Will Always Be A Feminist: A Response
Grace Han
"Fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.
For the record, feminism by definition is: 'The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.'" - Emma Watson, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, 2014

To the 18-year-old female who will never be a feminist: I understand. I get it. You hate the sensationalism of issues in the media, the ridiculous fights over little nothings. So do I. But by saying you would "rather be caught dead than caught calling [yourself] a modern-day feminist", you are only further securing the common misconceptions held about what modern-day feminism really is.

You said you want to encourage women to be empowered, work their own way, but by stating all feminists are clinging to a bandwagon, you are tearing them down. The much more effective way to support equal rights, since you do believe in First-Wave Feminism, is to educate those who sensationalize issues. Be the true modern day feminist who teaches others how to build each gender up equally, not discourage a movement in spite of some people holding misconceptions of feminism.

Be the change, don't just give it up and let fallacies run the movement. This is modern feminism.

Reality check: feminism is about equal rights between all genders.

Let's get this straight: there are two biological sexes and dozens of more genders.

Yes, females and males are biologically different. Physically, women have a higher percentage of body fat and less lean muscle (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health). Males also build muscle larger and faster than females, but in no way does this mean it is impossible to be just as strong as the average gym male. Check out this article fully and quickly explaining the science: "How Strong Can A Woman Get, Really?"

For fun, here are some "grown women" definitely stronger than your typical "fully developed" males.

On the topic of physicality, the Free the Nipple movement does have a specific goal and ambition: "to start a serious dialogue about gender equality" (Lina Esco, founder of the Free the Nipple movement). It is not girls who try to "piss off the public," but women challenging the cultural ideas of our society. Even men had their own free the nipple movement during the early 1900s. Before the 1930s, men could be arrested for showing torsos. And in societies all over the world, bare-breasted women are the social norm. Whether you support the movement is your own choice, but do know that this is a movement with real goals.

And yes, females and males have different brains. There are hundreds of gender differences, but that in no way "single-handedly destroys gender equality." Our biological differences make up individual strengths and weaknesses, just like our own personal identities and personalities.

Gender equality is not, as you seem to believe, that all genders are biologically the same. Gender equality is about giving all people the opportunity to make their own choices without restrictions because of biological sex.

"Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities." -ABC Of Women Worker's Rights And Gender Equality, ILO, 2000. p. 48

But the issue should not even be focused on the biological differences. The fact is that every person is a human due to equal human rights and treatment. Fundamentally, this is about fighting against the girl not allowed to play football because "she's a girl."

I agree that social media is a ****show. I quit Twitter years ago. But honestly, that's just what you're going to get on the Internet. Disapproval of a president is simply a political stance. Perhaps more women do hate Trump, but I don't think it is without reason considering how he's said many sexist comments against women. I assure you, there are plenty conservatives who disapprove of Trump as well.

There are many people who use feminism in the wrong way. This is what you believe is modern feminism, but that is simply because that type of content is the most sensationalized. Focus on the present, the now. Real feminism is not about triggering topics and blind followings, it is about equal rights of all genders. And if you don't hold onto that and let those fallacies and misconceptions take control, ridiculing feminism, then that trend will become permanent. Challenge those who hold misconceptions on feminism and gender equality instead of giving it up.

Let our children know they have their own choice, whether it be good or bad, just as much as any other human.

Let us stand strong and educate those with fallacies, bringing substantial change instead of tearing each other down. Don't undermine the work all these men and women have done to promote the true goals of feminism because by saying you hate modern day feminism, you allow all progress to be undone.

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