10 Things You Never Have To Do Alone Again NowThat You're in a Sorority | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Never Have To Do Alone Again NowThat You're in a Sorority


Bid day is over and you've landed in the picture perfect place for you. Freshly earned Greek letters are printed beautifully on your collection of new T-shirts and perfectly centered in sticker form on the back glass of your car. It’s obvious that you have gained amazing new friendships and countless exciting memories ahead. You now have a group of girls that you can constantly depend on, a group that will never leave your side.

Consequently, there are some day-to-day activities that become way more fun when you join a

sorority. Here are ten things you never have to do alone again now that you’re Greek: 

      1. Make Sonic runs: Now, we all know that there is nothing quite like the Sonic Happy Hour pick-me-up consisting of a Route 44 Vanilla Diet Coke (or is that just me?) to give you that extra boost to make it through the day. The good news is that now, at all times, one or more of your brand new friends will be more than willing to join you on this caffeine expedition.

      2. Attend boys intramural games: For some strange reason boyfriends, not-boyfriends, the boy you’re currently “talking” to and even just general guy friends love it when you attend their intramural games. But is there actually anything more awkward than casually strolling up to the basketball courts alone to watch him? Probably not. You will never face this problem again because chances are the boy that one of the girls in your pledge class has their eye on will be on the exact same team, or maybe even the opposing team which always makes for some friendly competition between you and your new BFF. 

      3. Survive a breakup: So maybe the relationship didn’t quite work out. (Even after you attended all of those intramural games, what a waste.) On the bright side, no matter what your methods of coping with a breakup is, you’ll never face any of it alone. So get excited about the girls that will be there to eat way too much double fudge ice cream with you, or force you to wash your hair and wear something other than an XL tee because you’re going out for the night. There’s still time for that ring by spring, y’all.

      4. Workout (or not): We’ve all felt that sudden realization (usually after watching the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show) that hits and you abruptly feel the need to workout. There will always be the handful of admirable girls in your sorority that faithfully hit the gym and they will be a great source of encouragement! On the other hand, there will also always be the group of girls that have no problem informing you that working out is just silly when something as great as chips and queso exists.

      5. Pick out an outfit: Maybe you have an interview, first date, class presentation or wedding coming up on your calendar. After realizing that it's in two days and not a month like you anticipated, you have the immediate moment of panic about what in the world you are going to wear. But quickly you come back down to earth as you grasp the fact that you now have practically an endless supply of clothing. 297 closets is better than just one, am I right? And you won’t even have to pick it out yourself! There are constantly willing volunteers to piece together everything from your earrings to your peep-toes.

      6. Choose an Instagram filter: Every girl knows the drill. You have a super cute picture that screams “Insta-worthy”, but you cannot overcome the all too real obstacle of deciding on a filter. From Valencia to Lo-Fi, the possibilities can be daunting. The good news is that your sisters are not only the ones that you post pictures with the most, but also the ones to make the demanding decision of which filter suits all of your hair colors the best in any given photo. #blessed

      7. Find a date: It’s date party season and couples are pairing off one by one for your upcoming formal. You stay calm and collected throughout the process because you know that at any given moment you can consult that one girl in your pledge class who is practically a professional matchmaker. She gets it right every single time, it’s almost a little weird but you don’t question it even for a second. The next thing you know you’re all dressed up and perfectly paired with a handsome date from your favorite fraternity. Props to you, girl.

      8. Justify any purchase: As you not-so-regretfully find yourself on the website of your favorite store during class, you hear the words your dad told you on the phone earlier about how you’ve spent too much money on clothes already this month. (As if that’s possible.) But quickly that voice is drowned out by the quick justification that you totally deserve those new wedges. If only for the reason that by the grace of God you made it to all of your classes this week or you have been so stressed lately, this girl can fill in the blank with a plethora of possible justifications. Your shopping addiction thanks her, even if your bank account doesn't.

      9. Compose a text message: That boy texted you and asked what you're doing. What does that mean? What do you say back? Do you use an exclamation mark or a period? Is a smiley face too much? Have no fear! The second you received that message from him, screenshot it and sent it in the group text pleading for help, they were already on it. Leave it to your trusty team of analytical sorority sisters to brainstorm and compose the perfectly nonchalant response — not to mention advise you on just the right amount of time to wait before sending it. I've always believed a perfectly crafted text message is akin to a work of art, right?

      10. Spoil yourself: Although this comes in different forms for every girl, you will now always have someone who is ready to be right there next to you for mani/pedis on a Wednesday afternoon "just because", multiple Starbucks trips in one day or going for that extra slice of pizza. Some days are just made for treating yourself to the simple joys in life. That is, if those simple joys include fresh shellac and a grande skinny vanilla latte.

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