How You Can Help Save the Bees
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How You Can Help Save the Bees

We need them, and right now, they need us.

How You Can Help Save the Bees
Devon Bowker

You have probably seen the headline: "Bees added to Endangered Species list". The headline is admittedly a tad misleading, considering it isn't all bees that we are talking about, but 7 species of bees native to Hawaii. To put that into context, there are approximately 20,000 species of bee worldwide (roughly 4,000 species native to the United States). Even so, this is big news. Bees have never before been on the endangered species list. An annual survey funded by the US Department of Agriculture, and conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership out of the University of Maryland, reported that US beekeepers lost 40% of their colonies between April 2014 and April 2015. Bee decline has been making the news for quite awhile now and, unfortunately, little progress has been made to mitigate the loss. One concern that many who advocate for bee action have, is public apathy. We worry that people have grown numb to the years of reports on decline and that the sense of urgency may be in decline as well,which couldn't be farther from the truth. We rely on bees. The world as we know it depends on bees. We need bees. Did you know that 1 out of every 3 bites of food are dependent on bees to be produced?

So, what is causing this collapse? There are a variety of contributing factors (climate change, anyone?), but there is one in particular which many studies have shown a significant linkage: pesticides. The type of pesticides in question are a systemic class called neonicitinoids (neonics) made by companies such as Bayer and Syngenta. Here is a short list of the impacts that these pesticides have on bees and other pollinators: 1) Neural effects such as on learning and memory, 2) Reduces male sperm count and harms ability to reproduce, 3) Hurts foraging ability, 4) Increases susceptibility to the nosema virus, 5) Neonics can KILL bees. If those sources aren't enough to convince you, check out my list of neonic research at the end of the article. Sure, there are those who will argue that the neonic effect isn't proven. They're wrong. Sure, there are other studies out there that say otherwise, and those sources are almost entirely funded by the pesticide industry. Corporate bought research is a topic for another time. Instead, let's focus on what we as normal, everyday citizens can do to save the bees.

1) Don't use neonics at home

Before you can hope to see change in others, you have to change yourself. Here is a list of home and garden pesticides containing neonics. It's super easy to make the switch. Bee the difference

2) Plant bee friendly plants (native plants earn bonus points!)

Here is a list of 400 bee friendly plants just waiting to be planted in your garden.

"Well, sir, what if I don't have a garden or a yard? What if I live in an apartment or a dorm?"

I'm glad you asked!

3) Join a cause

There are tons of advocacy and awareness groups out there who want to do their part.

You could join the BeeAction campaign through the Friends of the Earth.

Donate to the Pollinator Partnership

or Bing "Save the Bees" and get over 12 million results. I'm sure there are a few options there!

4) Buy Local

Utilize farmers markets and shop for organic and locally produced fruit, vegetables, and honey.

5) Spread the Word

We are truly at a time where action needs to be taken. Unfortunately, conservation is a widely reactionary discipline and often has its biggest moments in times of crisis. This is a crisis, but it isn't to late. Talk to your family, neighbors, friends, teachers, anyone! The key is to Yeah, I went there and I won't apologize. There is only one true way to make a difference in this world, and that is through educating each other through open communication and sharing of knowledge and resources.

Now is the time. Join a cause or mobilize your own group. Slowly, the United States is catching on to the times, but not fast enough. YOU can put direct pressure on your local and state governments, college campuses, and local businesses to adopt stronger policies on the uses of neonicitinoids. YOU can spread awareness through education,communication, and by setting an example for others to follow. YOU can save the bees.

*As promised, here is a list of further neonic research:

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