How To Take Care Of Yourself | The Odyssey Online
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How To Take Care Of Yourself

It's not as complicated as it seems to be.

How To Take Care Of Yourself
Indian Express

Taking care of ourselves often seems like the last thing on our lengthy to-do list. Between school, family, friends, significant others, jobs, and various social obligations, it's easy to forget what's most important: our health. Whether that means physical, emotional, or mental, it all often gets put on the back burner. With summer in full swing, and in the hopes that the season entails a little down time, here are a few tips on how to take care of yourself properly - take these pointers with you well past summer, college, and graduation!

1. Say 'no' when you want to

Saying no when you want to is an important factor in our health. Don't want to attend the baseball game? Say no. Don't feel like you have the energy to babysit your little neighbor? Say no. Can't bring yourself to go out to the town bar on a lazy Friday night? Say no. The words yes and no are the most powerful, unwavering words out there - they're definite, exact, and set in stone. Don't be afraid to use 'no!'

2. Don't take yourself too seriously

Everyone makes blunders from time to time. If you're embarrassed, let it roll right off your shoulders. While this may seem easier said than done, it's vital to your well-being. Make time to laugh at yourself and cut yourself some slack. If all else fails, think of it this way: No one is thinking of you. Not in a way that people don't care about you, but chances are, no one will mind your occasional screw up, embarrassing moment, or cringe-worthy moment. Own it!

3. Understand that not everything will live up to your expectations

Often times, we get caught up in the idea of things rather than what things actually are. It could be anything from the cutie you meet in your summer class to landing that internship you had been working so hard towards. In our minds, we see ourselves dating the perfect person, making a huge salary, and living a life that everyone would be jealous of. While those are great ambitions, it's easy to forget that actual work is required to reach those goals. Sadly, along the way, you'll meet subpar people and have terrible jobs. Guard your heart but allow it to love and explore as much as it can for the circumstances. Remember to stay level headed!

4. Be able to forgive people

If someone is big enough to apologize to you in a sincere and mature way, forgive them. Maybe they accidentally dropped your phone and cracked the screen or something more severe, like broke your trust. Regardless of which situation, both deserve to be forgiven. Why, you ask? Because it will heal you. If you're so angry at this person that you feel as though you could never forgive them, just remember this phrase: Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

5. Apologize when you need to

Piggybacking off number four, remember to apologize when you're in the wrong. Make a conscious effort to right your wrongs and prove that you are genuinely regretful over what happened. Don't cause more stress on yourself or the other person by becoming irate or by shutting down. Make strides to being a better person and learn from your mistake. Remember, if your apology starts with "I'm sorry, BUT...", chances are you haven't understood your wrongdoing and need to reevaluate your situation.

6. Let things go

Jumping down from the apologies is the final step: Just remember to let it go! If someone apologized and you told them it was okay, LET IT BE OKAY. Don't hold their mistakes over their head for the sake of your own amusement. Don't harbor resentment. If they take advantage of your kindness, chances are they aren't good friends anyway and should probably hear the word "no" a little more often (refer to number 1).

7. Take time for yourself

Set aside at least thirty minutes a day to put down your phone and do something you like, all by yourself. Watch TV, go for a run, read your favorite book, go out to lunch, take a bubble bath - do something that makes you feel like you. After all, you are important and deserve to indulge in a little alone time every so often.

Hopefully you'll be able to implement these tips into your everyday routine and become the best, most authentic version of yourself! There's nothing wrong with taking time to care for yourself. After all, you're stuck with you - you might as well make sure you're someone you'd want to hang out with.

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