How To Stay Healthy In College | The Odyssey Online
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How To Stay Healthy In College

10 easy ways to stay healthy with college temptations.

How To Stay Healthy In College

There are so many unhealthy temptations in college that can't be ignored. From alcohol to the buffet in the dining hall to staying in and watching Netflix all day, it can be difficult to stay fit. Let's say you don't have time to go to the gym though. This still doesn't count as an excuse. There are quick and simple decisions that can be made to assist you in staying healthy. This is mostly for the people that either don't want to go to the gym or don't have time, but like me, if you do go to the gym these are still small steps to improve your overall health and help you to stay fit.

1. Take the stairs.

I get it, the elevator just seems so much more convenient. You're right, it is. But it's so much better for you to use the stairs, regardless of what floor you're on. It engages your entire lower body (calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes). If you want to tone your lower body a little more, try skipping a step. If you want to lose weight, then don't skip a step, because the more stairs, the more energy you use. This leads to more calories burned.

2. Don't look at or go near the dessert bar.

"I just want to look" never ends well. Just avoid looking at the desserts all together and there won't be as much temptation to take some. Walk right past it, you'll feel better in the long-run, trust me. You're going to want it all if you look. Just. Don't. Look.

3. Avoid laying in bed during the day.

Class can be exhausting, especially early morning classes. You might just want to lay down when you get back, but try not to. You might say "well there's nothing else to do," but I'm sure there is. Go into the city or town, do your laundry or even vacuum. A tip for avoiding getting back into your bed is making your bed in the morning. There will be less of a temptation to get back in because you won't want to undo it.

4. Walk while reading.

If you have treadmills in your building or at your gym, this is a great way to get a workout in. Rather that laying in bed or sitting at your desk to read the chapter assigned to you that day, hop on a treadmill and read it while walking. This will help because you'll be focused on the reading that you won't even realize how much you're walking. The method can also apply to studying for a test.

5. Walk to class.

If you have a class close to where you're living, don't drive. If you're running late then it's understandable but if you have enough time then try to walk because it can be a great alternative. There are so many benefits to walking, which include but are not limited to weight loss, a healthy heart, a better mood and an energy boost.

6. Drink water.

It's pretty self-explanatory.

7. Don't stay up late, and don't sleep in late.

Sleeping at the right times is key to being healthy. Don't stay up too late. This can cause you to eat late at night as well as wake up later in the day. Breakfast is the "most important meal of the day" so if you're waking up around noon every day, you aren't getting what you need.

8. Buy healthy snacks for your dorm room.

It's common to snack when you're in your dorm room, but buying healthy food can reduce poor eating habits. Yes, you might think the unhealthy snacks taste better, but they won't make you feel good later. In addition, they certainly won't make you look good.

9. Make friends/join a club.

Making friends or joining a club would increase your time out of your room which would then help you to avoid laying in bed and snacking. In addition, if you're doing stuff with your friends, you're most likely being more physically active.

10. Avoid eating late at night.

Late at night your body doesn't process food as quickly, so it's more difficult to burn off those calories. Since we really aren't active at night, we aren't burning many calories.

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