Hey there fellow poor college student. If you follow the stereotype ( like I do), then congratulations! You have a ton of ramen in your place. Personally I have my 48 pack from Costco in its own cupboard because it's that important. Although, the same ole Ramen can get a little boring, so here are some ways you can throw out that super unhealthy sodium packet (or most of it) and make your ramen super tasty. Also, I have done all of these before so I can attest to the fact that they are delicious.
Olive Oil and Parm
Throw out the sodium packet flavoring and add a tablespoon of olive oil and as much parmesan as you want! Drain your noodles first so it doesn't get too watery. I like to add crushed red pepper and garlic to mine to make it like a little Italian meal in 3 minutes.
Ranch and Buffalo Chicken
I went to Aldi and got a big bag of Buffalo chicken strips that were fully microwavable. They were only a few dollars and obviously I can use them for other meals. Microwave them (or chicken nuggets if you so choose), drain the boodles of water, and put the chicken in! I added a little ranch just for consistency purposes and because it was spicy. Its basically wings and noodles. A college students dream.
The Kylie Jenner Way
Newsflash! Kylie. Eats. Ramen. Her way? Garlic powder, butter, and egg. does she use the sodium packet? Who knows, her snapchat is very vague about it. Anyways, if its good enough for Kylie, it's probably really good, and ridiculously simple. Though, she probably uses butter with actual gold pieces in it.
Mac and Cheese:
Have a ton of processed cheese laying around? I totally do because its cheap. Drain your noodles and add just one (or two if you feel like living on the edge) slices while the noodles are still hot. The noodles will melt the cheese and make it creamy goodness. Don't use the sodium packet unless you want to feel gross after eating it. Sometimes I add broccoli because you got to be healthy once in a while.
Garlic and Cauliflower
This one requires a bit more work. Sautee cauliflower in a pan with garlic and lemon juice if you have it. Once it is nice and crispy and brown, put it over your noodles, and add a little bit of butter. Its so incredibly good, and you don't feel awful about eating it.
Shrimp and Spice
Cook some shrimp in the spice of your choice (I prefer curry) and add some chopped carrots, and spinach. This is a spicy, and healthy quick meal that you can eat on those nights when you really don't know what to eat. It feels exotic when in reality its just a cheap alternative.
I love Ramen.