Everyone loves Starbuck's, but most of the time you get the same drink. Here's a list of drinks to try out so you're not always drinking the same thing!
Apple Pie Frappuccino
How to order:
- Fill first line with Cream Base
- Fill second line with Apple Juice
- Add Cinnamon Dolce Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Caramel Syrup
Virgin Margarita
How to order:
- Pour cool lime to the first line
- Lemonade to the second line
- Add a Grande scoop of ice
- Add a classic syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Cream base and Blend
Chai Cookie LatteĀ
How to order:
- Order a Chai Tea Latte
- Add extra Chai Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Hazelnut Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Java Chips
- Top with Hazelnut Syrup and Cinnamon Dolce Sprinkles
Candy Cane FrappuccinoĀ
How to order:
- Order a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino
- Add Peppermint Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
Skinny Mint
How to order:
- Order a Green Tea Frappuccino with Soy Milk
- Sweetened with Splenda
- Add Peppermint Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
Marble Mocha MacchiatoĀ
How to Order:
- Order a Caramel Macchiato
- Add White Mocha with no whip cream
- Add a shot of Expresso and Mocha Drizzle to the top
Apple Peach Lemonade
How to order:
- Fill first line with Lemonade
- Fill second line with Apple Juice
- Add Peach Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
Raspberry Cheesecake Frappuccino
How to order:
- Order a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino
- Add Raspberry Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
Warm Sugar Cookie
How to order:
- Order White Mocha Hot Chocolate
- Add Hazelnut Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Vanilla Syrup (1-3 pumps depending on size)
- Add Raw Sugar on top
Butterbeer LatteĀ
How to order:
- Order a Whole Milk Steamer
- Add Caramel Syrup (2-4 pumps depending on size)
- Add Toffee Nut Syrup (2-4 pumps depending on size)
- Add Cinnamon Dolce Syrup (2-4 pumps depending on size)
- Add Whip Cream and Salted Caramel Bits