How to Make Spring Break 2016 The Best One Yet | The Odyssey Online
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How to Make Spring Break 2016 The Best One Yet

Even beach bumming takes some planning.

How to Make Spring Break 2016 The Best One Yet

It's February. Cold is the only temperature, syllabus week is just a distant memory, and it seems like summer is so far away. The only thing getting every student through this bleak month is the promise March holds that things will get better. That promise? Spring break. No two words can put more excitement in a twenty-something, and more fear in that same twenty-something's parents. Don't be stuck at home this spring break... Leave your dignity at home, and have the best week you'll never remember.

1. Plan Ahead

It's the end of February, and spring break is less than a month away. If you don't want to go hang out with mom and dad, you should definitely should start planning ASAP before hotels and flights become way too expensive for any college kid to afford.

2. Pick Your Group Wisely

I know Party Pete is always the life of the party, but will he be super fun passed out drunk on the beach, throwing up in the bathtub, or in handcuffs? Probably not. No one wants a wet blanket around, but everyone will have more fun knowing that all group members will (kind of) behave.

3. Pick Your Destination Wisely

South Padre Island is the Party Pete of spring break destinations. Your fake ID will not work there, you will not be able to move in da club, much less dance in it, and all of the room prices will be very inflated during spring break. Be sure to pick somewhere that matches your speed so you don't end up wishing you would have saved your money and eaten mom's cooking for a week instead.

4. Save Money Early

Vacations are expensive. Food, hotels, flights, and taxis quickly add up. If you drink, add a couple hundred for a week's worth of partying and booze. Plus, you will just have to buy that #SpringBreak2k16 tee and matching fanny pack. Do yourself a favor and save sooner rather than later

5. Do assignments before you leave

For some reason, professors look at spring break and think "Oh perfect! My students have time to write another paper for class!" Seriously, never fails. If your professor does this to you, make sure you have all assignments done before you head to Vegas for a week. Trust me, you're not going to want to do anything except sleep and drink your weight in Gatorade when you get back.

6. Pack Early

Every time I pack the night before, I do two things: I pack way too much stuff, and I always forget something. Packing a few days before you leave will let you re-evaluate if you really need that seventh bathing suit and will guarantee that you don't forget any of the essentials.

7. Get to the airport early

Nothing would ruin a trip like paying for the whole thing, and getting there late, or not at all. Airports will be full of people, and the number of stressed out travelers will rival that of Christmas time. Just do yourself a favor and get there early.

8. Put your phone down

Whether you're laying on a beach with your friends or touring a city, you should put your phone down and experience it. Forget about the Instagram filters and Snapchat stories and fully experience your spring break.

9. Make the perfect play list

Everyone hates that person at a party who constantly interrupts the music to find the perfect song. Make playlists for all parts of your trip so you can put your phone down and live it up.

10.Do everything you want to do for the whole week

Want to eat that third slice of pizza? Go for it. Want to take shots on the beach with someone you just became best friends with because you have the same name? Sure, why not. Want to add an extra hour to your road trip because you want to see the world's biggest ball of string? Sounds good. Spring break is a time with zero responsibilities. The whole week is dedicated to having fun, so make sure you don't get bogged down with what you should do.

11. #NoRagrets

I know basically no twenty-something planning the perfect spring break will follow through with all of those tips, so here is the most important one. Live with absolutely no regrets. Spring break is seriously the only time it is appropriate to act a fool and not feel an ounce of bad for it. Live it up, make some memories, and have the best week of your life before the real world happens!

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