2020 is finally over, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.
Although 2020 is over, it does not mean that people are going to go back to the "old normal." So many things have happened in the past year, and many people have had their life completely flipped upside down. As we approach a new season of our lives, we must remember all the new emotions that people felt this past year.
A lot of people are turning to their nearest friends and family for help.
Often, the help they look for comes in the form of ranting or expressing what they are experiencing. Providing people with comfort is not the easiest thing in the world, especially when you bear your own troubles.
Often, people are not looking for answers, but just an ear to listen to them.
Here are some ways you can help others who come to you with their struggles:
1. Remember that everyone's struggles are important to them, even if they don't seem like a big deal to you.
It is easy to get stuck in the loop of the "Why are they complaining when they have it good?"thought process. When a person opens up about how they are feeling and talks about the burdens they carry, you must remember that each person on earth has a struggle. Those struggles cannot be compared to the struggles of others.
2. Ask the other party if they want advice or if they want someone to listen to them BEFORE they start talking.
This is extremely important! Some people do not want advice. They simply want to get their emotions off their chest and often listening is enough. Other times, people want genuine help, and by asking if they want advice beforehand, you can ensure that you process everything they say and that they can assist however you can.
3. Remind them that it is okay to feel how they are feeling.
Many people feel that they should not express their emotions or burdens because their problems are small in comparison to other people's issues. They might think that you will find them annoying. Nevertheless, making sure the other party knows their feelings are valid is a terrific way to supply comfort.
4. Refresh them on all the positives going on in their life.
Positive thinking is important, and it will help individuals to focus less on the negatives in their life. This will not work in all cases, but is helpful when a person is experiencing a negative thought cycle.
5.  If they ask for advice, aid them as best as you can, even if you must get someone else to do it for you.
If someone asks for advice on what to do in their current situation, try and give them the best help that you can offer. Reflect on what they have told you, and give them a new perspective. Helping them does not mean you have to pay a bill for them. Instead, refer them to services that can help them.
6. Do not burden yourself too much, and make sure to place boundaries.
No one benefits if you both are drowning and trying to help the other person float. Do not stress yourself out trying to help others. Realize that you have limits, and make sure the other person understands that.
It is completely okay if you can't help someone who is asking for your help. Do not feel guilty for it. Remember that your mental health needs to come first!