2. Lock yourself in a bathroom. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Creative Ways To Avoid Your Nosy Relatives During The Holidays

Here are five unique strategies that you can utilize to survive the interrogative nature of the holiday season.

5 Creative Ways To Avoid Your Nosy Relatives During The Holidays

The holidays can be a stressful series of events once your relatives come to town and intrude upon your surroundings. One after another arrives fully equipped with questions asking about your social, academic and love life, making the most awkward dinner positioning you've ever witnessed.

Here are five unique strategies that you can utilize to survive the interrogative nature of the Holiday season.

1. Pretend to be on an important phone call. 


Place your phone to your ear. Using your index finger on your free hand, stick your finger in your ear to block out all intrusive disturbances. It is optional to actually make a phone call to someone, but if you want authenticity, maybe place a call to a friend who is aware of your circumstance. When you finally get off the phone, tell your relatives that the call was relating to your employment involvement and that all respective information is strictly confidential.

2. Lock yourself in a bathroom. 


Armed with an interesting novel, video gaming device or fully-charged tablet, lock yourself in one of the household's bathrooms. When the time comes if someone shall knock on the door, just let out an exhausted groan. They'll get the picture and leave you alone. Be sure that the household has more than one functioning bathroom before pursuing this strategy.

3. Wear stealthy headphones. 


Bluetooth earphones can be quite an effective weapon against the inquisitive questioning of judgmental relatives. Play your favorite playlist or podcast and daydream away. It helps if you have long hair to cover your ears, however, a hoodie or hat may also work. You might be criticized for dressing inappropriate for a family holiday, so be aware.

4. Play an instrument. 


Strike a chord on a piano, guitar or whatever you can find and ignite the eternal holiday spirit within your family. Depending on the manners and corresponding etiquette your relatives pride themselves on, playing a musical instrument is a sure defensive way in protecting yourself against your nosy kin. Playing Christmas standards and golden oldies are definitely a plus.

5. Try to cook. 


Maybe you can create a diversion by lending a hand in the kitchen. Offer your humble service to mix, mash and grate, all the while making conversation about appetizers and desserts. If you find yourself absolutely at a loss in the complex maze of pots and pans, offer to set the table, light a few festive candles or fold napkins.

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The Great Christmas Movie Debate

"A Christmas Story" is the star on top of the tree.

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