So we just had Easter break and we have about a month left of school before we go home for the summer. You know what that means??? Formal Season!
Formal: the final and most amazing date function of all date functions. It's usually held someplace special like a boat, an aquarium, or another fancy location. So here you are, sitting on the couch freaking out because formal is coming up and you STILL don't have a date yet.
When your friends find out about your “date-less" nature, they try to convince you to ask that cute boy from class. But that requires you to actually ask someone, when all you really want to do is stay home and watch Netflix all weekend.
Finally, your friends force you off the couch and decide that they are going to set you up instead. As a wave of stress is released from your shoulders, you desperately seek aid from them.
It's a couple days before formal and your friend has finally set you up with a ~mystery~ boy. You instantly stalk him on all forms of social media to make sure you approve.
Flash forward a couple of days and its not only Saturday, the big night, but also it's the freakin' weekend and you cannot wait to celebrate.
As you get ready for your date to arrive, you look in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk to ensure you don't become super awkward.
Your best friends come over and engage in a pump up dance to get all those pre-formal nerves out.
The big moment arrives as your date walks through the door looking quite dapper.
He whisks you away towards the buses and before you know it, you're at the venue watching the rest of your sorority getting ~jiggy~ with it on the dance floor.
Naturally, you grab your date and drag him over to the dance floor so you can show off your sweet moves.
Then, the infamous tune of "Timber" by Ke$ha comes on, per your request, and your date instantly gets down to the beat of the bumpin' music.
Unfortunately, the clock strikes 12:30 and it's time to go back to the buses. Your formal was a success and you will be forever in-debt to your friend for setting you up with the best date ever.
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