Summer is all about being free, going to the beach, or just going out with friends and enjoying the beautiful weather and company of people you were separated from while at school. There are so many things to do in the summer that the list seems quite endless, but if you are someone like me, however, summer basically just means more time for relaxing and wasting time before one has to grow up and be a real adult. Isn’t summer made for that exact reason? Sometimes it’s OK to be the “old fart” friend and not go out every night.
It seems crazy that two semesters of college have already passed and as everyone starts settling in and readjusting to the demands of parents and responsibilities that one didn’t have at school, it is important to take time for yourself. I have complied a list of five goals that couch potatoes like myself, and everyone else for that matter, should try to achieve this summer.
Wake up before noon.
This sounds pretty easy, but it is equally as easy to fall into the trap of endless sleep in the summer because you aren’t rushing to get to class five minutes after getting out of bed.
Spend as much time outside as possible.
The weather in summer is undeniably beautiful, and not only is important to your physical health to get outside, your mental health needs the sun too.
Make time for your family, not just your friends.
My family is the most important part of my life and my biggest support, but having all the free time one does in the summer, it's sometimes hard to choose who to spend your time with, but remember that your family is forever.
Discover new things about yourself.
Go out and explore a new spot for coffee, or a place that you enjoy bringing your dog on a walk. The best way to discover new things is to try new things, which isn’t as easy as it sounds, but you may surprise yourself and find another thing you’re passionate about sitting right in front of you waiting to be discovered.
Have the most fun possible.
Well, duh! Summer is the absolute best time, so make the best out of it! Be lazy, or active, or somewhere in between, but summer memories always have a way of sticking with us forever.
I plan of fulfilling this list and making the best of my summer while I still have a summer to enjoy. Being young is such a blessing, and not even we couch potatoes should take that for granted. Find your favorite new spot, read a book, or don’t because you did enough of that this academic year, but live to the fullest.