Religious life is not a typical priority for the average college student considering the amount of stress and growth that occurs during college. I did not consider religious life a big priority for myself until I joined the Howard University Chapel Assistants during my freshman year. The Howard University Chapel Assistants is a religious organization that works under the Office of the Dean of the Chapel to assist in Sunday services and spreads religious life across campus.
Growing up a southern Baptist and attending parochial school as child, religious life was an important aspect of my growth. However, I did not anticipate the amount of spiritual, intellectual and social growth I would encounter being apart of this organization. The Howard University Chapel Assistants or, as we are commonly known as CAs, became a safe place for me during my freshman year. As we interacted with each other during our weekly Friday meetings, we would contemplate over are role as Christians in modern society. We would ask each other each other questions on how we stay true to religious backgrounds while growing as college students. These conversation helped me grow spiritually as I leaned on God to carry me through difficult times during my freshman year. Whether it was an assignment that seemed impossible to finish or the cultural shocks I had moving from the south, I leaned on God to give me guidance and push me to achieve.
CA also became a huge part of my academic and social life at Howard. I entered the university unsure of how I was going make it socially having an introverted personality, but once I became apart of CA I quickly became friends with my fellow Chapel Assistants as we ate together in the café, studied for our finals, and explored DC together. They helped alleviate my social anxiety and helped me develop a more extroverted and outgoing personality. I also interacted with fellow CAs who were public relations major and talked to them about my interest in the field. Through daily conversations and intense research I was finally able to make a decision on my major and feel confident in my choice.
I became a leader in that organization along with other organizations on campus. I was elected to the Chapel Assistants e-board and will serve as their public relations chair for the 2016-2017 academic school year. I will also serve as the co-director of public relations for Howard University Spotlight Network. I was appointed the position by my fellow CA, Danielle Solomon, who will serve as the general manger. CA helped mold me into a leader, aided in my spiritual growth, and has prepared me for the social, academic and religious aspects of college.
They became home at Howard University and I proud to be apart of the organization.